Carrie reached forward and pulled Quincey’s hips so the girl was standing closer to her. Quincey squeaked in surprise, but curiously watched as Carrie squat down, wrapped her arms around her, and then lifted her up off the ground. She’d succeeded where Quincey had failed, and in doing so she grunted. Quincey was not light by any means, and even though Carrie was probably the strongest person she knew, a girl Quincey’s size was a struggle. With Arus’ help she could have thrown Quincey across the room though.
Carrie set her back down and chuckled. “Yeah,” She breathed, “I’d say she’s gotta eat as much as I do to be that big. She just doesn’t work out.”
“And that doesn’t happen by accident.” Carrie swallowed, taking a couple more breaths and composing herself again.
Quincey blushed scarlet and fidgeted in place when Jacent looked at her curiously. Carrie watched him for a moment and realized he would be too polite to say it, so she said it for him, “Quincey, you’re like that on purpose, aren’tchya?”
Quincey stuttered and seemed to want to look anywhere but Carrie’s face. “I-I, um, w-well, I… I’m sorry…” She managed, and Carrie groaned.
“Stop saying you’re sorry, I don’t even care!” The cat bemoaned the girl’s tendencies, “Seriously, are you a gainer or what? This is a serious question, and I’m not gonna judge you for it if you say yes.”
“N-No,” Quincey quickly said, making Carrie groan again. Hurriedly she added, “I-I mean I don’t gain weight, um… past… a certain point.”
“And you don’t drop…?” Carrie started.
“P… Past a certain point.” Quincey mumbled.
“I knew it!” Carrie pointed at her, “You’re fat on purpose! I knew that had to be it!”
Quincey went red in the face and shoulders and tried to hide her face as best she could, Noticing this, Jacent lowered Carrie’s arm and said, “Carrie, you’re embarrassing her.”
- Harbington heroes, Issue 16: Confession
Here she is, doing that aerobics she claimed to do! It was no lie! Quincey floats around two hundred pounds of fat ass, big boobs, and belly fat. In the world of Earth 2541, getting to be such a size is unusual, as the food they grow, process and eat isn't loaded with as much unhealthy junk as the food of today, and their genetically evolved bodies develop and layer fat in different ways. This combination makes forced weight gain something of an ordeal. It's easier to be average than it is to be thick.
Who would have guessed that Quincey was so devoted to such a routine. Her calorie intake far exceeds the average citizen to propel her weight into that far-out number simply because she wants to be there. Not one to be outwardly proud of her thick, curvy frame, Quincey does adore it, but she keeps her love secreted away from even her pack. That being said, she keeps herself in shape! Such is to say, in that specific shape.
Five pounds over? Suddenly she's eating salads and spending a lot of time alone at home, secretly exercising to burn all those calories and pounds away.
Five pounds under? She'll absolutely take that second helping of blueberry pie for dessert.
Hers is a life of meticulous, almost obsessive weight watching... but she has to admit, when she stands next to a girl like Samantha as the lush and plush figure of stark contrast, she can't argue with the results!
I love when Quincey gets that determined look on her chubby face. It's too heart-stoppingly cute! Her tits are great too, no wonder Daxton likes buying her bras. There ain't a goddamn part of this I don't like, but I wanna shove my face into her tummy and snuggle her to death.
Blow raspberries on it too, you know you wanna.
I love when Quincey gets that determined look on her chubby face. It's too heart-stoppingly cute! He
Quincey's still mega-cute, but she looks quite hot here as well! I know she's embarrassed by it, though, but you have to appreciate her dedication to it.
Lovely thighs, too~
Quincey's still mega-cute, but she looks quite hot here as well! I know she's embarrassed by it, tho
I think she's less embarrassed by her body than she is by the attention it gets. She goes well out of her way to be fat, which to some people is just odd. Others love it and it makes her all the more embarrassed, but in a good way. In the end, deep down inside, she gets an absolute kick out of being so big; she's always apologizing for how inconvenient that seems to be for everyone else.
Big fat thighs. They won't break you, but they're heavy AF. Must be tough lifting those legs!
I think she's less embarrassed by her body than she is by the attention it gets. She goes well out o
You may be surprised at how those regular boards look. But given the contemporary stylings of the settings she's in, it's actually reasonable that theirs might look like a game peripheral.
You may be surprised at how those regular boards look. But given the contemporary stylings of the se