by Shayne “Sonic Remix” Edwards
based on a comic story by Karl Bollers
Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters and indica © and ™ 1991 · 2017 SEGA|Sonic Team
Author's Note:
So sorry for taking so long to get the next story out here, guys! I been laid up injured for the past week and forced to stay away from my computer. And during the downtime, I been working on ideas for other stories, including an original story, and a Sonic / Power Rangers crossover! Anyone who's interested in more info regarding either ideas can feel free to PM me. Also, PM me if you want to know more about my art accounts where I'll be blogging this info.
PART 01:
On a grassy knoll overlooking the city of Mobotropolis, Sonic the Hedgehog stood with his friend, Princess Sally Acorn, as they were both deep in thought. Nearby, leaning against a tree, Shadow the Hedgehog watched over the two.
Sally gave Shadow a quick glace to Shadow before looking to Sonic. “Sonic...I wanted to apologize to you for the other night. I know so much has changed, and I should of taken into account about your feelings-”
Sonic held his hand up. “It's okay Sally. I understand why you were so upset. Heh, honestly, I probably would have been kicking St. John's butt if I had seen him with you in a similar manner.”
Sally looked impressed. “Wow, aren't you the mature hedgehog. Who are you and what have you done with Sonic?”
Shadow nearly rolled his eyes at this, but Sonic rubbed the back of his neck, looking down. “As you've said, a lot has changed.”
Sally patted his back. “It's okay Sonic. With it now known to everyone that you're a prince in this world, you'll need that line of thinking, especially if we hope to get through this conflict between our peoples...”
Sonic looked up at her. “That's just the thing Sally. I may technically be a prince, but, for one, I know nothing about BEING one. You were practically raised in that line. Plus, I'm just as much on Knothole's side as I feel for those of the Underground. He sighed and sat down, rubbing his face. “I don't know what I'm gonna do...”
Shadow, concerned, moved to sit beside him on one side, just as Sally sat on his opposite side. “Well...maybe I can help? We can work on this together so you can be the leader that those in this timeline expect you to be. And then there's your mother...”
Sonic took a huge sigh at this. “Mom..I...I still don't know what to think or do with her. Without dad, it's just some random stranger claiming to be family.”
“But at least she's there,” Sally said. “I know my family is never complete without my mother, but I at have my father to be with.”
Sonic sighed. “Maybe. I just...don't know...its all so much to take in...” He looked to Shadow. “Shadow's been the only thing I been able to...well...adapt to so far...”
Shadow smiled ever so softly and patted Sonic's shoulder. “I'm here for you anytime you need an escape.”
Sonic smiled and leaned in against Shadow a bit, sighing. Sally laid her hand on Sonic's other shoulder. “Just know...I'll always be here as well. I'm more than willing to help you get through this.”
Sonic looked to Sally and nodded. “Thank you...both of you...”
Sally sighed and looked on towards the buildings below, frowning a bit as she was deep in thought. Sonic turned his attention to her again. “Sally, what is it?”
She shook her head. “It's nothing. You got enough to worry about. I don't want to burden you with my problems...”
“Sally...I may have problems, but you shouldn't deal with yours alone,” Sonic looked at her.
Shadow nodded. “Not to mention I'm here. You may not know me very well, but if you're willing to trust me, I'd be more than willing to listen...”
Sally looked at both of them. “Thanks guys. You're good friends. Even you, Shadow. It's just that...well...”
She looked down and spoke ever so softly. “I'm...scared.”
Both of them looked at her. “What?!”
“Well...think about it a second,” she said.
“Done,” Sonic said immediately.
“Okay...?” Shadow added.
“Well, we're dealing with a population where anyone not from Knothole are apprehensive about our presence.”
“I know...” Sonic nodded.
“Then there's the fact that the timeline destability is creating new zones all over...”
“Right...” Shadow nodded.
“And then there's my father,” she nearly lost it, grasping Sonic in a hug. “Will we ever be able to reverse the process that's turning him to crystal?!”
Suddenly a voice behind them spoke up. “We may be closer to solving that than we were a few days ago.”
All three whirled about to see a skunk in a cloak looking at them. “Geoffrey!” Sally breathed.
Geoffrey nodded. “Princess...Sonic...Shadow...”
“St. John...” Sonic muttered a bit, unhappy with his presence.
Geoffrey took Sally's hand and kissed it. “Queen Aleena has allowed a few of our people into Robotnik's old lab. Rotor, Sir Charles, and Doctor Quack are investigating the portal to the so-called Zone of Silence.”
Sally looked at him. “The Zone of Silence, where my father was banished to all those years ago in the other timeline...”
“They're launching a probe to see if the timeline changes have affected the zone-”
Sonic suddenly cut him off. “Probe? Wait a moment, is that such a good idea? I mean-”
Suddenly there was an explosion that came from down below in the city. Geoffrey looked at them. “That came from the lab!”
The four of them took off to head for the source of the explosion. Sonic came to a stop just inside to find Uncle Chuck, Rotor and Doctor Quack all laying on the floor, unconscious. Standing over them was a strange looking troll-like creature, a huge-looking lion, and a spider ninja. Sonic glared back at Geoffrey. “As I was saying...not such a great idea, considering the things we encounter in the Zone.”
Geoffrey growled. “You made your point, hedgehog. No need to get snippy!”
Sally stared in disbelief. “They knocked the others unconscious! Who in the world are they?!”
The troll creature began to speak up, leering towards the princess. “Who indeed! You seem a bit taller and wiser...Princess Sally, isn't it? I'm surprised you do not remember me...for I am Ixis Naugus, Sorcerer Savant!”
Sonic got in front of the group. “I don't know who you are, Ixis or whatever your name is, but-”
Suddenly Naugus raised his staff and shot some kind of bolt of lightning at Sonic's feet, knocking him off his feet. “SILENCE! You will speak when commanded!” In place of where Sonic had been knocked off his feet was a ring of crystal shards.
“Sonic!” Shadow yelped and ran to his side to help him up.
Sonic groaned as Shadow helped him to his feet. “...like I said before I was rudely interrupted....I don't care who you are, but anyone-” and he pointed to the lion. “-who's buddy-buddy with Warlord Kodos is no friend of mine!”
With that, Sonic closed his hand in a fist. A device on his arm lit up with activity and Sonic began to transform, shifting from flesh and blood to metal, becoming a robot. Mecha Sonic.
Naugus aimed his staff at them again. “A robot I see! Perhaps another blast will reduce you to scrap metal!”
Sonic suddenly grabbed Sally and dodged another blast from the staff. “You'll have to catch me first, Ixe!”
Naugus chuckled, watching Sonic dodging blast after blast. “...fantastic...”
In dodging the bolts, Sonic nearly ran into Kodos, who was raising his mighty war axe. “Sounds to me like you've issued a challenge, which I'd be happy to oblige to!”
“Sonic!” Sally yelped, as Kodos was about to drop the axe on them.
Suddenly gunshots sounded, and bullets splintered the wood of the axe, breaking it and letting Sonic escape getting chopped by it. Kodos looked up in anger. “What?!”
Shadow was standing nearby, working on his gun. “Shit! Lousy time for a jam!”
Geoffrey worked on aiming his crossbow. “Sonic, get the Princess out of -”
The spider ninja swung her nun-chucks into Geoffrey, knocking him down as she had yelled at him.
Naugus laughed as he blocked Sonic and Sally from leaving. “Well done, Uma Arachnis!” He looked upon Sonic. “You are quite formidable, Quickster! A shame I must destroy you. You won't be around to see my glorious ascension to the throne of Mobotropolis!”
Sally gasped at this. “No!”
Sonic gripped Sally close. “Hold on, Sally!”
As Naugus began to shoot his lightning staff at the two, Sonic began to use his energy to form a kind of energy shield to deflect the blast, sending a shower of crystals upon the three “Vail's Bones!” Naugus cursed, as they ran for cover.
As Sonic stopped, Shadow shoved his jammed gun away and looked up to see Uncle Chuck and the others waking up. He ran to them. “Sonic, over here!”
Sonic came over with Sally. “Unc, you're okay!”
“Yes, but now we need to get out of here!” he pressed, as Rotor and Doctor Quack grabbed the unconscious Geoffrey. “We got one chance to get away while they're distracted!”
Rotor and Doctor Quack quickly carried Geoffrey towards a door.. The walrus called out. “This way! This door should lead to Robotnik's secret tunnels!”
As everyone escaped, they could hear Naugus screaming. “Curse the Quickster! CURSE HIM!!!”
Uma looked over to Naugus as they came out from where they had survived the crystal shard storm. “What now, Ixis?”
“They escaped!” Kodos growled.
“For now,” Naugus sneered. “But they won't leave the city, not without getting answers from their so-called 'King' Acorn. And we'll be there to make sure he gives them that...and nothing else!”