It is a common practice of many families and clans from Newhaven to adopt people with special abilities to raise the group’s status. And Alvin’s “weird talent” is a knack for illusion magic. So his adoption had nothing to do with sympathy or even love, it was a cold, calculated decision.
Casim, not in the least content with his mother’s prestige-driven addition to the family (and never asked for his opinion), had a rather strained relationship to his new brother in the beginning. It took time, a couple of awful arguments and a fair share of clouts from their cousin Bedewer until they started to get used to each other. Over the time they became good friends, even called each other brother.
I don’t like speed lines, but I had the impression the picture needed something to give it a bit more dynamic. So I experimented with watercolor pencils to turn the background into something like speed lines. The outcome surprised me, although it isn’t quite what I imagined.
Done with markers, watercolor pencils, colored pencils and gel pen.