The next morning, Queen Aleena was addressing those of the Robotropolis camp, frowning at the choices that laid before them. She was also hoping Sonic and his friends would be present to balance things out, but to no avail. Only Uncle Chuck was there among the others. “Are you absolutely sure this is what you all want? I know things have become extremely complicated since the arrival of Knothole, but surely there's no need for this. I ask that you all reconsider this.”
“Reconsider what?”
Princess Sally was approaching the camp when she overheard the last few words, and walked up to Queen Aleena. Glaring eyes from the camp turned to her.
Mighty approached her. “Sorry Princess, but we all discussed it last night. We don't feel comfortable having the Knothole fighters in the city and would request that you head back to your village.”
“What?! But why?!” Sally asked, alarmed.
“JUST for now,” Aleena cut in, looking at Mighty pointedly before looking back as Sally.
Mighty swallowed a bit before nodding and looking to Sally. “Sorry, but with tensions building, it would be better that we separate the groups from the city. We would be willing to work with small groups coming in to try and ease the tensions, but having everyone here would just make things worse.”
Sally shook her head. “I'm not so sure asking the other to leave the city would make things any better, to be honest. They see it as their city as much as yours...”
Uncle Chuck finally spoke up with a sigh. “I don't like it anymore than you do, Sally, but Knothole is the only thing that the others can really claim as theirs for now. It would probably be best to go back...for now.”
In a control tower overlooking an airfield, Rotor was busy hooking up some wires, and getting computers back online before grabbing a microphone. “This is Tower One, Skyliner, you have a go for takeoff! Have a nice day!”
On the airfield, a prisoner hovercraft began to liftoff. “Roger Wilco, Tower. Same to you!”
On board, some of the freedom fighters from Robotropolis, as well as Geoffrey St. John and his men, were there, as one was punching in coordinates. “Entering destination: The Devil's Gulag.”
Geoffrey sighed as he watched as they left Mobotropolis. “At least some things haven't changed, if this Aleena has an area for dangerous prisoners.” He looked back to the prison hold, where Snively was there in chains. “...luckily for us.”
If only they knew what Snively had planned in his mind.