It started to get me thinking about different ruling regimes, ways of looking after people, and how things are going in this world at the moment. The political and cultural climate, if you will.
To me, it seems strange that artworks stating 'NAZI FURS FUCK OFF' are entirely acceptable, along side artworks that support communism as a ruling regime.
If the nazi regime is inappropriate due to actions and the number of individuals that it killed. Surely that means that communism is at least ten times worse. And should be pushed out ten times harder. Yes?
Logically speaking that is. Rather than viewing through an ideological lens.
Anyway, those thoughts are what inspired this artwork.
Nazism = specific form of fascism. Fascism = hard right form of govt where workplaces are owned by combination of the state + corporate powers; there is strict enforcement of social, govt, and workplace hierarchy; glorification of war; and where democracy is the greatest of crimes punishable by death.
Communism = diverse left-wing school of thought, ranging from (statist) Maoism, Stalinism, and Leninism to the libertarian/anarchist (non-statist) communism of people like Pytor Kropotkin and Mikhail Bakunin, all about how achieve a society without social classes, a monetary system, or a state, where employees run their workplaces without the fear of losing their job and starving on the street penniless and without the sexist, racist, eco-cidal capitalist death machine destroying the planet and its people and cultures in the name of profit.
Blaming 'communism' (not any specific branch, not Leninism, Luxembourgism or anarcho-communism, just 'communism') for the failures and crimes of Stalin, Mao, and others is simply ridiculous when one reads up on what communism is and how it's more than just Russia and China.
Nazism = specific form of fascism. Fascism = hard right form of govt where workplaces are owned by
I'm not saying that. Mao's China and Stalin's Russia were attempts at making a communist/socialist society; terrible, disastrous attempts that many anarchist communists like myself wouldn't replicate, but attempts nonetheless. I'm saying that you're painting all communist thought with a broad brush; Maoism isn't Leninism isn't Marxism isn't Luxembourgism isn't anarcho-communism. The anarchist communists of revolutionary Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War, despite their flaws, weren't responsible for the crimes of Stalin. Not to mention many communists have put their ideas into practice in Chiapas, Rojava, and places around the globe today in the form of things like direct action and community activism, and so far they haven't resulted in totalitarian dictatorships with millions dead.
I'm not saying that. Mao's China and Stalin's Russia were attempts at making a communist/socialist s
Well then, your original post was also incorrect then.
There have been several types of fascism, and fascism does not need to be inherently right wing either (look at the Nazi party for one, significant amounts of socialism
in the fascism in there).
In fact, if you just state that:
Fascism = hard right form of govt where workplaces are owned by combination of the state + corporate powers; there is strict enforcement of social, govt, and workplace hierarchy; glorification of war; and where democracy is the greatest of crimes punishable by death.
Rather than -
Fascism = diverse protectionist school of thought including left and right wing principles, ranging from Italian Fascism (in Italian, Fascismo), Nazism (or National Socialism) and Clerical Fascism to the more recent Neo-Fascism that can be found, that exalts nation (and often race) above the individual, and that stands for a centralized autocratic government often headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, where employees can be sure of work without the fear of losing their job and starving on the street penniless and without the sexist, globalist, racist, communist death machine destroying the planet and its people and cultures in the name of profit.
See. I can make a description sound nice as well. And be, technically, just as correct as your one.
Oh I see. Well then, your original post was also incorrect then. There have been several types of
(look at the Nazi party for one, significant amount of socialism in the fascism there)
Didn't know that bosses having strict control over their workers and mass privatization is "socialist". Or do you think socialism is "when the government does stuff" and not "worker's control of their workplaces" (which is what it meant before Cold War propagandists distorted the word)? Seriously: read texts from socialists and communists. Learn the history of socialism and communism outside of Stalin and Mao. A lot of it is for free online, like anarchist communist Pytor Kropotkin's "Conquest of Bread" or mutualist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's "What is Property?". (Spoiler alert: private property is theft because all private property is initially taken by force)
where employees can be sure of work without the fear of losing their job and starving on the street penniless and without the sexist, globalist, racist, communist death machine destroying the planet and its people and cultures in the name of profit
Lol ok. Not only are you defending fascism but you also still don't understand what communism is (a stateless, classless, moneyless society, according to communist theory and thought leaders and not 9th grade history class or whichever rightist pundit), and, as you demonstrated earlier, you think that me correcting you on this is somehow saying "no true communism".
Yeah, I think I'm done here. Ffs dude, read.
~~~ Quote: (look at the Nazi party for one, significant amount of socialism in the fascism ther
Wait... what is this... there are different forms of Socalism? Oh my.
Kinda like how there are different forms of Communism?
Oh my. Telling me to read things, after you were frustrated at a description of something that has a handful of millions of people in the different forms that have been attempted. Hmm. Kinda reminds me of a description that you said that has killed tens of millions.
Huh. Interesting that every form of Communism that has ever been attempted has killed millions upon millions of people and always had purges. It seems like... the common cause... is attempting Communism.
Hmm. Normally in this kind of situation. I like to apply Occam's Razor. Every time Communism has been attempted. Purges have happened. Therefore. Communism results in purges. Despite the form of Communism it has taken. Huh. Interesting. That seems to be a true statement.
Lol ok. Not only are you defending fascism but you also still don't understand what communism is (a stateless, classless, moneyless society, according to communist theory and thought leaders and not 9th grade history class or whichever rightist pundit), and, as you demonstrated earlier, you think that me correcting you on this is somehow saying "no true communism".
I am not defending fascism for one. Well done not understanding what I was doing. Well done not having any self reflection regarding your own comments. But hey. Well done for misinterpreting everything. I suppose that takes some effort.
I do understand what Communism is. I also understand that due to human nature, it will never be possible. Humans are, inherently, selfish. Due to this, every time it has been attempted in various forms, and every time that it will be attempted in the future in large populations, it will fail and result in exactly what this poster is talking about.
You didn't correct me on this.
So. If that is true. Then true fascism hasn't been attempted. And true fascism would result in a great country. Because all of the forms of fascism haven't been true fascism. They have been different types of fascism. I suppose I could claim that the only bad thing is that fascism hasn't been tried correctly, or that it wasn't popular enough so that small groups could demonstrate direct action and community activism and all of that.
Heck, you stated that you are an "anarchist communist", you know that will result in drugs and escapism through abuse of them being one of the largest markets yeah? And that, to protect said markets the drug lords will wage wars yeah? I mean... that is kinda obvious.
Wait... what is this... there are different forms of Socalism? Oh my. Kinda like how there are diff
Looks like you have posted a very false and incorrect information filled journal about me! So exciting!
Or, wait, reading into that journal it must not be about me.
Because everything you are claiming that you said to me, you didn't, as is evident here in this section of comments and replies. And everything that you are claiming I said, I didn't. As is, once again, evident here in this section of comments and replies.
Wait. No. Not everything. You got the 'ancom would result in a large drug market and trade' correct. If you consider human society, drugs would become a major market, and then in turn create drug lords and wars over money/trade/items of worth and territory in an anarchic communist system.
A system without a form of governance, gangs and mafias will rule.
I mean, that is exactly WHY gangs and mafias stated to exist in the first place. Because they were protecting their territory, and area of trade, from others, usually because the government and police didn't have enough reach.
But hey. Just dismiss that point entirely right? Because your HISTORICAL REVISIONISM of every other aspect of this discussion makes you look much more like you could actually counter any point at all.
I suppose since you have historical revisionism down pat, you must have some understanding of communism then. Heh.
And yes, just because you might misinterpret that, that last part was a joke.