It is the digivolution of the tokomon, it is a digimon of the mammal type, in the level of Rookie, its ability is the Boom Bubble, Hane Binta , Breeze Blaster, Slamming Attack, Pretty Rush, Sparking Air Shot.
Patamon is Raul's partner better known as angely teddy.
It is the digivolution of the tokomon, it is a digimon of the mammal type, in the level of Rookie, His attacks are the bubble trick, bazooka hat
Mr, Patamon is Luar's partner better known as Black Twilight,
black Twilight, Is the leader of the dark stars, the supervillains who try to defeat the members of heroes unit,
It is the digivolution of the tokomon, it is a digimon of the mammal type, in the level of Rookie, its ability is the stellar bubbles.
Star Patamon is Ruben's partner better known as Energy Slash, although at the moment it is called Energy Tiger, a new member of heroes unit.
Ruben is the nephew of Professor Akari or is that he is cousin of Raul
Patamon has a sacred ring on his right foreleg leg.
Mr. Patamon has a hat and a bow, almost like a magician.
Star Patamon has stars in its wings, and chest in addition to an ornament in its right wing
History of the unit of heroes
7 years, 6 months ago
12 Aug 2017 02:23 CEST
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