The Hottentot race nears this,a genetic trait to store reserve for lean times. But even that pales in view of THIS.
At this point, beyond diet, surgery is needed. The stubborn fat is excised,by the wheelbarrow full. I have a pic of such a victim with marker pen lines delineating the area to be excised en-masse.
The Hottentot race nears this,a genetic trait to store reserve for lean times. But even that pales i
Extra wide is extra adorable..... and should be rewarded with extra ice cream....
....and pizza, and cakes, and burgers, and milkshakes, and cupcakes, and candy, and pie, and pasta with rich cheese sauces, and some delicious buckets of melted butter to wash it all down (and you can wipe some of the residue on door frames to make it easier to squeeze that rump through. Or, just stay in bed and keep eating. That'd be my recommendation anyway ;-) )
Extra wide is extra adorable..... and should be rewarded with extra ice cream.... ....and pizza, a