So there is something that I wanna ask. Or rather let you guys decide. For the rest of the comic for as long as I continue it, is it going to be serious, fetishy or a mix?
For example in this one we could have the plant and gly actually fight till either the plant has beaten gly, gly has killed the plant or something else.
Or fetishy wise we could have there be no physical violence and figure it out from there.
Or a mixture of both? Again this is for the entire run of this project. vvvvvvvvvv
Also in this sketch I didn't really make a frame for the body like I usually do. Is it noticable? vvvvvvvvvv
Also another thing I wanna say, I'm going to be taking some time to make like, a few pictures. So there might not be anything for a bit. Now to the actual picture. vvvvvvvvvvv
Vines started to shoot out from the surrounding bushes, wrapping up Gly's maw as well as his wrists. Instead of fighting back, gly let the vines take him so he can conserve energy for what's to come. The vines felt slightly wet and as he was dragged through the jungle he saw why, as the plant was using its tongues like vines.
The plant opened its mouth up, from inside the sounds of people could be heard.