Battle of the Bulge II: Fit to be Fat (20)
Previously on Battle of the Bulge II…
“This weight is dropping fast,” said Melody with the tape measure around her waist.
“We all feel better already,” added Bright Eyes.
“As long as everyone can still see that we’re fat, nothing else really matters,” said Melody.
“I concur, you ponies are easy on the eyes,” said Eduardo nearby.
“Got that right,” said Ace arriving.
“When we’re all back to our normal body shapes, we should have a big party to celebrate,” suggested Pinkie Pie.
“Well we’ll be there first but we’ll gladly wait for you because a party sounds like a great way to reward ourselves for a job well done,” said Bright Eyes. [In their submarine…]
“We’ll be the ones having a party and as members of the Calorie Stealers, we’ll succeed” said Stella. [At the beach….]
“Aw my painting is messed up from the added weight,” complained Star Swirl.
“Maybe it’ll fix itself when the weight is lost?” suggested Starbeam.
“I hope so, it signifies who I am,” replied Star Swirl.
“If not, you can wear the extra shirt I bought at PUDGE’s online store because I couldn’t bear to see any pony friend of mine be down,” said Starbeam.
“That’d be great, thank you Starbeam,” replied Star Swirl joyfully.
“The only thing is you won’t be able to wear it until the weight goes down but now you’ll have something to work for,” said Starbeam.
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, Starbeam,” replied Star Swirl.
“No problem, Star Swirl. Guess we’d better continue working if you know what I mean,” answered Starbeam.
“Sure do. This big belly of mine, I’m gonna make it shrink,” stated Star Swirl. *The two ponies split up* [Later that night…]
“Getting there but not ready to put on clothes again,” said Melody. *she sleeps* [The next morning…]
“Who do we have here? I don’t believe I saw you before besides the party the other day,” said Eduardo.
“I’m Lickety Split,” said Lickety Split.
“I don’t doubt that all with the mark on your hip,” replied Eduardo.
“It’s my cutie mark,” explained Lickety Split.
“So that’s what this whole cutie mark thing is. Oh and what a marvelous belly you have there,” said Eduardo.
“It is pretty nice isn’t it?” replied Lickety Split giving her belly a slight jiggle.
“It must be the best I’ve seen here,” stated Eduardo.
“All thanks to the diet of sundaes and milkshakes,” said Lickety Split giving her belly another rub. [At their clubhouse…]
“Everyone, Melody has proposed an idea to help decrease the weight in another fashion when we aren’t hungry called belly dancing,” announced Starlight.
“Well, I suppose that could work but isn’t that generally for skinny ponies?” asked Bright Eyes.
“Who says all belly dancing ponies need to be fit?” questioned Melody.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of a belly dancing pony,” said Bon Bon.
“Melody says it’s all in the balance, which for us is key, especially with added weight,” explained Starlight.
“I guess we could give it a try. Do we know of any places that offer this?” asked Clover.
“Madame Persheral used to do ballet but I’ve heard she now does belly dancing for unfit ponies,” said Starlight.
“Not her, she’s strict. There’s no way she’d allow us to take part,” moaned Clover.
“We won’t know until we try,” said Melody.
“First I think we’d better ask our parents,” suggested Bright Eyes. *Everyone nods in agreement*
“Why do I think this will not end well?” questioned Clover to herself.