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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 4
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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 5

Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 5

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Keywords horse 59631, bear 49506, unicorn 30351, cousin 1186, care bears 1178, care 1062, carebear 765, care bear 622, carebears 589, carebearcousin 340
Chapter 5: Disaster

The needle was stuck at 9.

The caring meter was a barometer-like meter in a heart-shaped case atop a two-meter tall red and white barber-pole striped tower; the meter itself was indicated by a half-circle of hearts of increasing size to the left with numbers marked from 1 to 10, with 10 being at the top and 1 on the bottom, with an arrow that had a heart shaped tip to point to the current level of caring (the right side of the dial mirrored the left with hearts without numbers). Its purpose was to inform the Care Bear Family when things were wrong on earth where they could help, whether that was because a child was dealing with a personal problem they couldn’t handle on their own and couldn’t speak to adults about, or someone like Dark Heart was corrupting people to take actions against their own interests or to deliberately harm themselves or others.

True Heart had climbed a folding step ladder, that was stored under the caring meter’s platform, and had the glass cover of the meter opened on its hinge. She tapped the arrow and watched it quiver for a moment then resettle on 9.

“How does it look, True Heart?” Noble Heart called from below, where he held the ladder stable.

“Still stuck. The same as last week,” True Heart said. She sighed, frowned and shut the glass, “And still no idea what’s causing it.”

Noble Heart glanced over at where Sage Heart stood at the observation deck, peering through the star-o-scope: a star-shaped telescope with a heart-shaped lens that let them see all the way down to earth with incredible clarity. “It’s not Dark Heart, he’s been quiet ever since that summer camp ended,” Noble Heart said. He stepped aside as True Heart dismounted the ladder. “No use worrying about it until we find something, True Heart.”

“I know, but I can’t help it. Someone out there needs our help and all we’re doing is sitting up here.” True Heart twiddled her fingers nervously.

Noble Heart chuckled, “I don’t think that’s all we’re doing, with 30 or so little cubs to look after.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek, “But it’s good that you worry, just don’t get too worried for your own sake.”

True Heart blushed and smiled. “I’ll try.” Noble Heart put and arm around True Heart’s shoulders and she put an arm around his middle as they walked back towards the castle.

That was when the caring meter started going haywire. Noble Heart and True Heart spun around, almost knocking each over other, as the loud tones of the caring meter set up a cacophony, the arrow spinning wildly, stopping then waving back and forth from 5 to the mid point of the right side and back again.

“W-What?” True Heart stammered out.

“Over here! Hurry!” Sage Heart shout snapped their attention to where the blue bear stood, keeping the star-o-scope steady on the hinge that connected it to the railing of the observation deck. Noble Heart and True Heart almost bowled each-other over as they scrambled to Sage Heart’s side but Noble stood aside to let True Heart peer through the lens. She saw a cloud of shimmering energy hovering over what looked like the remains of a rural town.

“What is that?” True Heart asked, stepping back to allow Noble Heart to look through the star-o-scope.

“Some sort of magical explosion, I think. I just caught the end of it,” Sage Heart’s eyes were wide. “That has to be what made the meter go crazy.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Noble Heart stepped back, turned around and used his tummy symbol to conjure a car made of clouds with a pastel colored control panel and dashboard. “Let’s go.”

“Just a moment,” True Heart waved to catch the attention of a star buddy floating nearby. When it flew down to her she said, “Tell mom and Life Heart we’re going down to Earth, we’ll be back as soon as we can.” The star buddy nodded then flew off back to the castle as True Heart jogged over to the cloud car and got into the passenger seat. With Noble Heart at the controls and Sage Heart in the back they took off for earth.

To describe the town as a “blasted wasteland” would have been a compliment. The houses were scattered in pieces everywhere and those that were still standing were missing most of their walls. The ground was scorched and littered with craters, and the bodies. Sage Heart threw a hand to his mouth and ran to a mostly intact garbage can where he promptly lost his lunch. True Heart covered her eyes and Noble Heart averted his gaze.

“What happened here?” Noble Heart asked.

“Do we really want to know?” Sage Heart asked as he stood up on wobbly legs.

A loud bang caused all three of them to drop the ground as someone shouted at them. “St-stay away from me!”

Noble Heart looked up to see a man in tattered clothes pointing a beat up rifle at them.

“You got the others but you won’t get me!” the man shouted as he jammed the bolt on the rifle and loaded another round.

“Wait! Please! We don’t want to hurt you!” True Heart shouted but stayed down, hands over her head.

“No! Die!” he aimed at True Heart and pulled the trigger. A wall of earth erupted in front of True Heart right before the rifle went off, putting a sizeable dent in the wall but stopping the bullet. “Monsters!” the man shouted. He dropped his rifle and ran as the earth wall fell away.

Noble Heart pushed himself up and ran over to True Heart. He knelt down and put a hand on her shoulder, “Are you OK?” he whispered.

“Oh Noble!” True Heart looked up, her eyes wide and filled with tears, “He was going to-, I couldn’t…” A moment later she had latched herself onto Noble Heart and was crying into his shoulder. Noble Heart patted her back and just held her.

“Wait! Stop! We don’t want to hurt you!” After he created the wall to save True Heart, Sage Heart had pulled himself away from the trash can and took off at a run after the man. The man didn’t stop running but turned his head to watch the blue bear running after him, and tripped.

Sage Heart skid to a halt and stared, mouth agape. The man had fallen on a pile of debris with large glass shards and broken gardening tools. If he hadn’t already done so earlier, Sage Heart might have hurled on the spot. Instead he kept his composure as best he could and crept up to the man. He was lying very still.

“H-hello?” he asked. The man twitched and jerked for a moment, letting out a shuddering noise. Sage Heart yelped and jumped back, then nothing. The man lay still again. Sage Heart took a deep breath and approached the man, not wanting to touch his body or the sharp objects that had pierced his skin. He looked as close as he could to check and finally got an answer: he wasn’t breathing. Sage Heart dropped his head into his hands as tears filled his eyes, then he turned and walked away, wiping tears from his face with the back of his arm.

Noble Heart and True Heart were still huddled together on their knees when Sage Heart returned. Noble Heart looked up and asked, “What happened?”

“He ran, then tripped and fell… onto some sharp stuff. He’s dead,” Sage Heart took a deep, shuddering breath. “What could have done this?”

Noble Heart was about to answer when thunder rumbled overhead. All three of them looked up and saw the red cloud billowing overhead.

“Dark Heart!” True Heart shouted, standing up and facing the cloud, eyes furrowed.

“WHAT HAVE WE HERE!” Dark Heart’s voice boomed across the ruins of the town, “THREE OF THE FOUNDERS AWAY FROM HOME!”

“Is that why you did this! To bring us here?!” True Heart demanded.

“I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS, BUT I WILL END YOU!” Red lightning crackled and shot towards the three founders. Sage Heart raised his hands, creating a wall of earth in mid-air which exploded as the lightning struck it. Noble Heart, True Heart and Sage Heart fired off beams of white light from their tummy symbols at Dark Heart.

The Care Bear Stare and Care Bear Cousin Call, their greatest weapons against beings like Dark Heart. Its touch burned those who lacked the desire or ability to feel positive emotions or those who wished to bring harm to others. Dark Heart bellowed in pain as the stares struck him and scattered more lightning at them, this time every bolt scattered wide, some destroying what remained of the houses. Despite his effort, Dark Heart withered under their assault and started to retreat.


“What?!” Noble Heart was rooted to the spot in shock, mouth agape.

Sage Heart conjured a cloud car from his tummy symbol and all but dove into the seat, shouting, “Get in! Hurry!” This shocked Noble Heart out of his stupor as he and True Heart jumped into the car and Sage Heart gunned the engine and blasted towards the Kingdom of Caring.

The cloud car disintegrated on landing and threw the three founders to the clouds. True Heart was the first to her feet and she screamed, “The castle!” Sage Heart and Noble Heart shot to their feet and stared for just a moment.

The castle was under assault by dozens of flying transparent grey shapes, formless save for two arms ending in three clawed hands, a pair of horns, and two red eyes with pinprick pupils.

A bright white beam of light shot forth from the nursery. “The cubs!” Sage Heart shouted.

“Let’s go!” Noble Heart took off at a run, with True Heart and Sage Heart close behind him. Some of the shadows spotted the three running towards the castle and dove at them. “Care Bear Cousin Call!” Noble Heart shouted, firing off a beam of white light as the shadows. They shrieked in pain and disintegrated at the touch of his call.

“Keep moving, Noble Heart!” True Heart shouted, spurring the horse to gallop after them.

“Care Bear Stare!” True Heart’s stare cleared away more of the shadows that dove down at them, one almost slashing at her with its claws. Sage Heart leapt ahead and almost yanked the door at the entrance of his hinges, holding it open long enough to let True and Noble Heart before he pulled the door in behind him and barred it. He turned to speak to his friends, but they were already bolting up the stairs to the nursery. Sage Heart ran after them, nearly tripping on the stairs as he ascended.

Grams Bear and Life Heart Unicorn were exhausted. The shadows kept swooping in and making grabs at the terrified cubs but each time one of them would fire off a stare or call and repulse or destroy the creatures. Life Heart stumbled as she moved to guard Love-a-Lot Bear, who was crying like so many of the cubs. The unicorn’s stare went wide as the shadow grabbed at her. A voice hissed in her ear, “unicooooorn” and she shrieked as it dragged her towards the window.

“Life Heart!” Noble Heart was first up the stairs and he fired his call at the shadow, but missed as Life Heart was dragged towards the window.

“Let her go!” Sage Heart shouted and he charged at the shadow as Life Heart dug her hooves in, trying to avoid being dragged away. Sage Heart grabbed her arms and pulled her back, moving his body closer so he could get his arms around her torso for better support.

“Help me!” Life Heart cried as even with Sage Heart’s help they were slipping towards the window. Grams, Noble and True Heart wanted to help but more shadows poured towards the cubs and they were forced to stay back.

Life Heart was practically out the window when her horn lit up, “No NOOOOO!” she cried as her tummy symbol lit up and a sphere of white light poured out from her. It spread to encompass the entire castle, pushing the shadows away as it grew. A minute later Life Heart collapsed and Sage Heart pulled her back into the castle. The shadows were gone.

The cubs were still upset and suddenly Noble Heart, True Heart and Grams Bear had another crisis on their hands. Sage Heart was about to go and help them, when Life Heart pulled him up against her. “Don’t go,” she whispered.

“I won’t.” Sage Heart turned around and hugged her, “I’m here, Life Heart.” He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

It took two hours to calm the cubs down, especially since some of them started demanding food or changing now that they were roused. Sage Heart had to practically drag Life Heart to their kitchen table where Grams Bear had made them some hot chocolate to help calm their nerves. The five of them sat in silence for a few minutes, Sage Heart rubbed Life Heart’s back and they all just sipped at their drinks.

“How did you that, Life Heart?” Grams finally asked.

“I don’t know. I just tried to push them away with my magic and stare and… it just happened,” Life Heart whispered.

“So what do we do now?” True Heart asked.

“I don’t know,” Noble Heart said. “If Dark Heart can send those shadows here then where can we be safe?”

“I think I know some places,” Grams Bear said. The other four turned to look at her as she continued. “I went exploring a while ago and found two places nearby. A forest and a small town made of clouds.”

“I don’t remember seeing those places anywhere,” Noble Heart said.

“Neither do I, but maybe the Great Wishing Star was working on them to expand our home for when the cubs grow up. Can you imagine all of us trying to live here when we’re grown up?” True Heart giggled slightly, setting off some mild laughter from the others.

“If that’s the case, maybe we should split the cubs up, so at least if something bad happens they aren’t all lost,” Sage Heart suggested.

“Split them up?” Noble Heart gaped, “But how? We’ve been together since we got here.”

“It’s only been a couple months, and it’s not like we won’t see each other ever again. The cubs aren’t going to need our supervision forever,” Grams said.

“I don’t know,” True Heart folded her arms, “I mean what if we’re wrong and this is all a trick to get us to weaken ourselves?”

“Let’s sleep on it. We need it after all that happened today,” Sage Heart said.

Life Heart looked up at her husband, “What happened on earth.”

“We found a town blown apart, and a man tried to shoot us then… fell onto some sharp stuff and… died,” Sage Heart cleared his throat and looked down at the table.

“Oh my!” Life Heart clapped a hand to her mouth.

“Then Dark Heart showed up, but we chased him off. That’s when he told us what was happening here and we raced back to help,” Noble Heart added.

“It’s been a busy day all over,” Grams Bear yawned. “We should all get some sleep.” The others nodded and got up. Grams, Life Heart and Sage Heart headed to their rooms while True Heart and Noble Heart stayed behind to clean up the few dishes they’d left from earlier that day.

Noble Heart scrubbed the inside of the kettle and dunked it in the rinsing water before he passed it to True Heart, who dried it and set it back in the cupboard. While Noble Heart was wiping out one of the mugs he asked, “Do we really have to split them up, True Heart?”

True Heart sighed as she dried out the mug and put it up in the cupboard, “I don’t know yet. Sage Heart has a point: if something bad happens here then it’s all over for everyone. But if we split up…”

“I’ll miss this place too,” Noble Heart reached for a plate from lunch earlier in the day. “And I’ll miss you if we’re apart.”

True Heart smiled. “I’ll miss you too, Noble Heart.” She took the plate from him and dried it. Noble Heart smiled and blushed slightly. They continued in silence until the dishes were all put away. True Heart took Noble Heart’s hand as they headed for their rooms. When they reached their rooms Noble Heart tried to pull away only to find True Heart still gripping his hand.

She looked at him with pleading eyes. “Noble Heart, please stay with me. Just for tonight.”

Noble Heart blinked, then smiled and nodded. “OK.” She let her lead him into her room.

Thankfully all of their beds were big enough for two and both Noble Heart and True Heart slipped under the covers together. Neither felt like the hassle of pulling on their nightgowns tonight, it was warm enough with the two of them. They snuggled up together and despite the day’s events, they were happy.

“Thank you, True Heart.”

“For what?”

“Being here with me, and being there all the time.”

“You’re welcome, and thank you too.” True Heart kissed him.

Noble Heart smiled. “I love you, True Heart Bear.”

“I love you too, Noble Heart Horse.” They giggled and chuckled for a moment, then kissed again, pulling each other close as they did so.


Morning came much too soon for the new couple. Noble Heart awoke to find True Heart standing at the window. She turned back to Noble Heart and smiled. “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” Noble Heart slid out of bed and joined her at the window. He put his arm around her shoulders and they watched the sun rise. “You’re amazing, kind, honest and sweet,” he whispered to her.

True Heart giggled, “And you’re so noble, generous and gentle. Thank you for being here with me.”

“Thank you for staying with me.” They kissed.

They finally tore themselves away from the window and headed for the kitchen, stopping to check on the cubs first, and set about the business of breakfast.

Once Noble Heart was finished he said, “True Heart, I’m going to see my parents today. Would you like to come with me?”

“Today?” True Heart looked worriedly out the door to the kitchen to the nursery.

“It won’t be for long, just long enough to say hello and catch up with them. I want you to meet them,” Noble Heart assured her.

“I suppose, but not until the others wake up,” True Heart said.

“Of course.”

True Heart and Noble Heart left an hour later, once Grams, Sage Heart and Life Heart were awake. The journey down to earth was mostly spent in silence with True Heart casting worried glances over her shoulder back at the clouds every few minutes. Noble Heart wanted to tell her not to worry except he was worried too. He promised himself he’d just drop in to see Travis and Duchess and introduce them to True Heart before he went home.

The old farm was much the same as when Noble Heart had left. The cloud car touched down outside the farmhouse and both Noble Heart and True Heart stepped out. “I’ll go see if dad’s home, then we can go see mom.” Noble Heart said before he walked up to the farmhouse door. Noble Heart knocked three times and waited for a moment. He was relieved to hear footsteps approaching and the inside door open.

“Joel?” Travis stood there in jeans and a t-shirt, mouth agape as he saw his adopted son standing there without clothes and with a rainbow colored heart on his tummy with a star at the center.

Noble Heart smiled. “Hi dad.” For an instant he wasn’t Noble Heart Horse, founder of the Care Bear Cousins, he was Joel again, the little two-legged foal who had grown up on this farm what felt like so long ago.

Travis hastily opened the door, knelt down and hugged his son who hugged him back, “Where have you been? What happened to you? Why do you have a tattoo on your stomach?”

“Those are very long stories, dad, and I’ll tell you in a moment. Right now I want you to meet someone.” Noble Heart let his father go and turned to allow Travis to see True Heart, who had walked up to the deck while they were talking.

“Hello, Travis. I’m True Heart Bear,” she introduced herself, holding her hands in front of her as she spoke.

“True Heart Bear?” Joel looked skeptical.

“And I’m called Noble Heart Horse now. Can we come in, dad? I have a lot I want to tell you,” Noble Heart said.

“Of course, of course.” Travis stepped back and allowed Noble Heart and True Heart to enter.

Over a small snack and some coffee Noble Heart and True Heart relayed their whole story: Joel meeting them in the woods, the message from the crystal, the search for the cubs, the journey on the boat, their arrival at the Kingdom of Caring, the task bestowed upon them by the Great Wishing Star, and the events of the previous night including both the attack and the two of them confessing their feelings for each other.

“Sounds like a busy life,” Travis said before he took a big gulp from his coffee. He smiled, “I’m happy for you two.” He watched them smile at each other then sighed and set his mug down. “It’s a good thing you came today, Joel. There’s something you need to know about Duchess.”

“Mom!” Joel snapped his gaze back to Travis, “What’s wrong?”

Travis took a deep breath, “She’s dying, Joel. The vet said it’s cholic and… she’s too old to survive any sort of treatment. I think she’s been holding on until you came back.”

Noble Heart sat still only for a moment before he pushed his chair away from the table and bolted for the barn. True Heart followed shortly thereafter, leaving Travis to clean up.

Noble Heart stopped when he came to the barn door, catching his breath and nerving himself for what he might find inside. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see True Heart standing there, she was breathing heavily as well. She looked at him and then to the barn door and nodded. Noble Heart took one last breath and stepped into the barn.

Duchess lay on the ground in her open stall, breathing shallowly. She was sick, thin and pale-looking with her crippled leg curled up near her stomach. She looked up at the creak of the barn door and smiled weakly at her son.

“Mom.” Noble Heart choked up as he approached her. Duchess did her best to nuzzle her son and he hugged her around her neck. “I’m sorry, I should have come to see you sooner, but…” Noble Heart broke down crying. True Heart stayed back by the door, watching the scene unfold and wiping tears from her eyes with the back of her arm.

Noble Heart finally found his voice again and moved to let her see him better. “I met someone special to me, do you want to meet her?” Duchess nodded and Noble Heart beckoned True Heart to approach.

“Hello, Duchess. I’m True Heart Bear,” she said.

Despite her condition, Duchess looked skeptical at her son’s choice of friend. Weak as she was she knew bears were dangerous. True Heart withered slightly under the surprisingly harsh stare from the sick mare in front of her. Noble Heart looked from his mother to True Heart then back again, “It’s alright. I promise.” Noble Heart stood up and took True Heart’s hand. “I love her, she means the world to me, mom. I…I wanted you to meet her while you have the chance.” Noble Heart tried to swallow the lump of emotion in his throat.

True Heart stepped forwards and knelt to look into Duchess’ eyes. “I love him, and I promise I’ll never do anything to hurt him. I’m just happy I got to meet you. I wish you could be like us, Duchess, you’d love the Kingdom of Caring.” Duchess just nodded and lay down to rest.

Noble Heart and True Heart stood outside the barn door. Noble Heart clenched his hands into fists and set his eyes. “It’s not fair!” he shouted, making True Heart jump, “Why does she have to die? Why can’t she be one of us?” Tears were streaming from Noble Heart’s eyes. True Heart wanted to say something, anything to comfort him, but all she could do was to hug him and try to clear the tears from his face. Noble Heart returned the hug and they just stood there until Travis approached.

“Was she happy to see you?” Travis asked. Noble Heart just nodded. “That’s good. The vet said I should put her to sleep but I just didn’t have the heart. I don’t know if she’ll hang on much longer though.”

Noble Heart nodded. “True Heart, I have to stay. I can’t leave her now. Go back home and I’ll be there when it’s… over.”

“I understand.” True Heart gave Noble Heart a kiss then conjured a cloud car and flew off back to the kingdom of caring.

Travis couldn’t help but stare in wonder as the vehicle made of clouds flew into the sky. “You really have a strange world you live in, Joel,” he said.

“Yeah…” Noble Heart scuffed the dirt with his hoof. “So what are you going to do?”

“Honestly, I think I’m going to sell the farm.” Travis sighed, “There’s not much left for me here.”

“What!?” Noble Heart started, “But this is our home, where we were born and raised, we…”

“I know, Joel, I know. But I can’t farm to save my life and what I’ve learned is only good for work in the city. Not much chance to meet anyone special to me out here, and I know a few people who would want the land. I might keep the farmhouse though…” Travis sighed.

“Where are you going to live, dad?” Noble Heart asked.

Travis shook his head, “I don’t know yet.”

“I… see.” Noble Heart wiped tears from his eyes.

“Will you visit again soon?”

“I can’t, I have responsibilities back home. Today might be the last day I can get away for months, or maybe years.”

“Oh.” Travis put his hands in his pockets. He tried to force a smile, “Maybe we’ll meet again someday, when we both have our own families.”

Noble Heart managed a smirk, “And our kids can play together.” He stood away from the barn wall. “I’m going to go sit with mom.”

“OK. I’ll bring lunch out if you’re still here by then.”

“Thanks dad.”


“I can’t leave! Not now,” Life Heart Unicorn huddled in a corner, holding her head and shaking back and forth.

“Life Heart, please…” Grams approached Life Heart and put a hand on her shoulder, only for Life Heart to swat it away.

“It was trying to take me, I couldn’t stop it,” Life Heart whispered. True Heart and Sage Heart exchanged worried glances, unsure if they should approach her.

The sound of a cloud car landing caught their attention and a couple minutes later Noble Heart walked into the kitchen. He looked over at Life Heart and asked, “Life Heart, what’s wrong?”

“She scared of leaving the castle because of the shadow that tried to carry her away,” True Heart said.

“Leaving?” Noble Heart asked, he blinked a few times.

Sage Heart nodded, “After the attack last night, we’ve decided to split up the cubs. There are too many of them to protect all at once and if they’re all in the same place and we fail…”

Noble Heart hung his head and sighed, “I guess that makes sense. Where are we going?”

“Mom and I are taking the bear cubs to the town, we’ve decided to call it Care-a-Lot,” True Heart said.

“And you and I will take the others, the Care Bear Cousins, to the forest, the Forest of Feelings,” Sage Heart said.

“You’re leaving me here?” Life Heart looked up, eyes full of hurt.

Sage Heart walked over to Life Heart and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Just long enough to get the cubs to their new home, then I’ll come back to live with you and Love Heart, I promise.”

“No! Please stay with me!” Life Heart threw her arms around Sage Heart and pulled him close. Sage Heart’s eyes widened, then he hugged her back. He glanced over his shoulder are the others as if to say ‘sorry’.

Grams nodded then turned back to Noble Heart and True Heart, “We should get the cubs moving before they get too fussy.”

An hour later, Noble Heart, True Heart and Grams Bear had all of the cubs other than Love Heart Bear onboard the cloud clipper, the name they’d given the sailing ship they had arrived on. They all stood on the deck as the ship sailed down the rainbow river towards the newly named Forest of Feelings.

Grams had the controls as Noble Heart and True Heart sat below decks watching the cubs who had been rocked to sleep by the ship’s swaying. True Heart sat back in Noble Heart’s arms and hugged him as he leaned his head on her shoulder.

“Is Duchess… gone?” True Heart whispered.

“Yes,” Noble Heart said. “I went in to see her and sit with her. I told her stories for an hour and then… she just drifted off and stopped breathing. I helped dad to bury her then I came home.” Noble Heart sighed, “Dad’s going to move soon, I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again.” Noble Heart started crying, “Everyone I love is leaving me, first mom, now dad and you… I…”

True Heart gave him a kiss and wiped tears from his eyes, “I promise it won’t be forever. I’ll try to visit when I can.”

“Me too,” Noble Heart opened his eyes and turned to True Heart. “True Heart, when this is all fixed, and the cubs are grown up, will you marry me?”

True Heart’s eyes shot wide and she stared back at Noble Heart. His eyes were intense but kind. She smiled and kissed him for a full ten seconds before she pulled away and answered, “Yes, I will.”

Noble Heart was in much higher spirits as he stood with the cubs near the river in the Forest of Feelings and waved goodbye to True Heart and Grams Bear.
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 4
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 6
Disaster strikes and the founders are forced to make the hardest decision of their lives

horse 59,631, bear 49,506, unicorn 30,351, cousin 1,186, care bears 1,178, care 1,062, carebear 765, care bear 622, carebears 589, carebearcousin 340
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 7 years, 7 months ago
Rating: General

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