Buenoa qui un dibujo mas desarolla de mi guerrero azteca
Tekoyoa es hijo de un lobo y una xoloitzcuintle, auque por tradicion deveria ignorarlo, aun asi su apdre se asuguro de repaldarlo enc uanto fuera posible asegurandose que tubiera el entrenamiento apropaido apra ser guerrero. Ademas le regalo su Tecpatl (cuchillo de obsidiana). Tekoyoa tiene control sobre al oscuridad, la que se manifiesta en forma de pequeñas esferas oscuras pudiendo usarlas para proyectar energía oscura o bien inficionar sus armas, volviéndolas más resistentes además de hacerles etéreas capases de trapazar armaduras.
Digamen que opinan?
Esta es su forma masculina, y subiere su forma femenina
Well here a new picture of my Aztec warrior
Tekoyoa is the son of a wolf and a xoloitzcuintle, although by tradition he should be amde aside, his father take care of him making sure the he was trained to be a good warrior. Also gift him his Tecpatl (obsidian knife). Tekoyoa has control over the darkness, which manifests itself as small dark spheres that he can use to project dark energy or infuse hisr weapons, making them more resistant and ethereal allow them to trasspas armor.
Tell me what do you think?
This is his male form, soon I will show his female form
7 years, 5 months ago
25 Jul 2017 23:23 CEST
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