Battle of the Bulge II: Fit to be Fat (12)
[At their houses respectively with the TV on…]
“Reports are now coming in that the town of Pudgyville now has their very own mayor to replace the one that had passed away last year named Eduardo,” stated Sherry of WGAIN News.
“So that must’ve been what that pool party was all about,” concluded Melody’s mom.
“No kidding, you have someone to run this town?” asked Bright Eyes’ mom.
“The best part is he loves our weight as much as we do,” said Bright Eyes.
“I just hope he’s a pony of his word,” said Bright Eyes’ mother.
“Tell me, what are your goals for this town?” asked Sherry to Eduardo.
“These ponies have a bit of a predicament on their hooves and I’m stepping in to bring that to an end. Ponies shouldn’t care if other ponies want to be fat, at least not in the sense of being disgusted by it. I’ll even be sure they have the money to keep their weight as is,” replied Eduardo.
“You also approve of their weight?” questioned Sherry.
“Approve? I LOVE their weight. These ponies do what most ponies never even give a second thought of doing. I wholeheartedly enjoy their passion for pudge,” answered Eduardo.
“There you have it, folks, Eduardo is indeed Pudgyville’s new mayor and is proud of what these ponies do,” said Sherry. [That evening, at the clubhouse…]
“Wasn’t he just great talking about his appreciation for this town and us?” asked Melody.
“Sure was, it’s nice to know we have a mayor that’ll be willing to care for us,” said Starlight.
“Kinda too bad we don’t really have a lot going on to see how he handles things,” said Bright Eyes.
“I’m sure something will happen where his attention is needed,” said Starlight. [In their submarine…]
“Something will happen and while you all have a mayor, he’ll be no match for our plan but hey, he’d probably fondle over your bulk instead of actually doing anything to stop us,” said Stella.
“We must get our plan through without him noticing,” protested Stephanie.
“It already is, Steph,” said Mary.
“So far, it’s not working,” muttered Stephanie.
“Good plans take time to work and this is a good plan. Though we’ll need to start Phase 2 to make it work,” said Stella.
“What exactly is Phase 2?” asked Stephanie.
“We need to get these ponies slimmed down to an appropriate weight and that’ll come when we get the PPHB on the line.
“PPHB?” questioned Mary.
“It stands for Ponyville Protocol for Healthy Bodies. Under section 1, paragraph 3, line 2, it says that ‘Ponies overweight must be removed immediately for removal of excess body fat’,” explained Stella.
“So they’ve violated a rule from that rulebook? Oh this’ll be quite a surprise for them,” grinned Stephanie.
“They’ve been violating this rule for three years now and they don’t even know it,” added Mary.
“That’s precisely why it’ll remove them for quite a long time because not only will they be reduced to a slimmer size but they’ll be serving time in jail for their rulebook violations,” said Stella.
“Let’s get that started now,” said Stephanie.
“I’ll give the call since I came up with this plan,” said Stella *she dials the number and the phone rings on the other end*
“Hello?” asked the manger of PPHB, Brandon.
“I’d like to report a series of ponies that are violating your rules about being overweight in the town of Pudgyville,” told Stella.
“Any proof this, Miss?” asked Brandon.
“We’ve got plenty of photos to share,” replied Stella.
“Bring them when we arrive,” ordered Brandon.
“With pleasure. See you there, bye,” agreed Stella. *She and Brandon hang up*
“So what’s the result?” asked Mary.
“They’re coming and so are we. Bring the photos too. We’ll be making history,” replied Stella.