After a long while of not doing any customs I'm back with Terios! For those who don't know who he is, Terios was the prototype for Shadow the Hedgehog back when SA2 was being developed. Terios was made from a Sonic figure obviously with Jets feet for his boots. His arms are actually Sonic's legs that was from the Sonic figure that come with the two gold rings. They had the ball joints in the knees that made it also to work like arms too. And the hands where Sonic's also. The chain-like band on his wrist was made from the straps from Jets glasses with the gold buckles from Sonic's shoes to be the chain on the sides of the wrist cuffs. After using hot boiling water to force the quills to go down as far as they would go I pained him up. After putting him back together I'm impressed how he came out, this could easily be one of my favorite from ones I made. Enjoy the custom!
7 years, 6 months ago
14 Jul 2017 08:58 CEST
Initial: 1f12493d932e75de7e8e84eaba42ea5e
Full Size: dfbaf8c743cf435e1ea5539e91e6e013
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