Ironically, there's no reason anyone should ever actually summon exodia that way. The arms and legs are 0/300 if I remember correctly (which means just about any two-star monster should outright kill them).
Ironically, there's no reason anyone should ever actually summon exodia that way. The arms and legs
That I didn't know / remember. I was extra super casual. The most experience I had was with the Battle City GBA game (because mom found it on the ground and recognized it as a GBA cartridge and I had a GBA). That said, I rocked house with the deck I built because of Yugioh's mechanics. There was almost never a reason to run anything that was 5+ stars because if you couldn't play it (you had no monsters in play to sacrifice, thus losing) it was a dead card. If you had monsters in play, you didn't need it (because you were already winning). After that, almost no card with less than 4 stars was worth it, unless it had special text (generally cards that did something when flipped face up).
I ran into a *handful* of exceptions, there was a 0/1800 defense monster that was basically a brick wall. There was a 6-star 0/2400 "version" of it that I kept in my deck. Mainly to turn the almost-unkillable wall into an actually-unkillable wall (because there very few 4-star monsters that had 1800 attack and none with more). Then a special summon or two that didn't require cards-in-play. Almost never came up, but you shouldn't ever keep more than one copy in a deck, due to needing the special monster and its summon in your hand. Otherwise, they were dead cards.
And dead cards in Yughioh are much much worse than in Magic.
That I didn't know / remember. I was extra super casual. The most experience I had was with the Batt