I drew these for Father's Day, which was about a week ago. It shows the Wolfshade, Lumikrank, and Gulperjack fankids when they were children. So happy late Father's Day! ^^
First pic: It looks like Night Howler is rocking at his own concert for his father Wolfgang, alongside Nocturnia and Andrew to attend for Father's Day, it seems Wolfgang is impressed! ^^
Second pic: Boltclank here has made a little invention of his own to give to his father Dr. Krankcase on Father's Day, and we see Blacklight and Sunny Star, and Krankcase likes the gift too.
Third pic: Chow Down has a huge barrel of soda for his father the Gulper, much to Magma Blob's surprise, but Gulper really loves having soda from his boys on Father's Day!
These pics are drawn on Comic Workshop 2.
Wolfgang, Dr. Krankcase, and the Gulper (c) Activision
Night Howler, Nocturnia, Andrew, Boltclank, Sunny Star, Magma Blob, and Chow Down (c) Activision