Battle of the Bulge II: Fit to be Fat (5)
[Inside Sweetheart’s house…]
“Morning, Sweetheart and might I say you’re looking more beautiful than ever,” said Teddy.
“That’s very truly nice of you, Teddy. Oh and I think I see why. You didn’t have anything do to with this new pounds of fat do you Teddy?” replied Sweetheart.
“Not at all, I swear,” said Teddy.
“Then it must mean I ate a tiny bit more than I usually do and you already liked me being overweight before so one added pound isn’t going to be a problem is it?” asked Sweetheart.
“I don’t see why it would be a problem. It’s more of a benefit,” replied Teddy.
“Oh Teddy, it’s so nice having you be so generous,” said Sweetheart. *She and Teddy head out the door*
“Hey Teddy,” called Ace and Lancer.
“What’s up, guys?” asked Teddy.
“Nothing much but hey, Sweetheart’s looking nicer today,” said Ace.
“Yeah, it’s almost like she….,” started Lancer.
“Put on a pound,” finished Ace.
“Is there something wrong?” asked Sweetheart.
“It just wasn’t what we were expecting, that’s all,” explained Lancer.
“Well I guess that’s okay. I wasn’t truly expecting it myself,” said Sweetheart. *She and Teddy begin walking with Ace and Lancer following*
“Hey, there’s Bright Eyes,” pointed Ace.
“I’m going to the beach with Starlight, you guys wanna come?” asked Bright Eyes.
“I’d love to,” said Sweetheart.
“We all would,” said Ace.
“Cool, see you guys there,” said Bright Eyes. *The pony groups go their separate ways* [Later at the beach…]
“Is it hot here or is it just me?” asked Melody.
“It’s you,” said Ace smiling.
“Oh Ace,” said Melody rolling her eyes.
“It’s Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie,” remarked Bon Bon.
“What a surprise to find you all here,” said Rainbow Dash.
“We didn’t expect you two to be here either,” said Bright Eyes.
“Glad to have you here, dahlings. We can now see what each of us bought for swimsuits,” said Rainbow Dash.
“This swimsuit was probably one of the few things I picked that my mom was okay with. It’s got a picture of my band and I on it,” said Melody.
“Mine says ‘Pudgyville, it’s all about the weight’,” said Bright Eyes.
“No save the environment swimsuit?” questioned Starlight.
“There weren’t any in my size but I did get a t-shirt about saving the environment and I thought this swimsuit was good enough to substitute,” replied Bright Eyes.
“I have a lucky one, no pun intended. It’s got a lottery machine on it,” said Clover.
“What’s your say, Bon Bon?” asked Starlight.
“It says ‘Time to get bakin’ so my belly can start shakin’’,” read Bon Bon.
“What fabulous swimsuits, dears,” remarked Rainbow Dash.
“How about yours, Sweetheart?” asked Bright Eyes.
“Pony got belly, huh?”asked Bon Bon.
“That could be for any of us but it’s certainly true for you,” said Melody. *Sweetheart blushes*
“Well mine reads ‘Ice cream makes the ponies get fat’ said Starlight.
“I think the best part about all of ours is that they’re all true,” said Bon Bon.
“Plus they’re all personal to all of us,” said Bright Eyes.
“Just look at us, we’re overweight. What’s a few extra pounds on all of us? The bigger we are the better we look,” said Melody.