This was designed for a good friend who we are building a PC for. This lion will be printed on the side of his case as well as I have been given permission to put this for sale on my Amazon store.
The lion is available as a back design (blank front) on a couple dark shirts in both men and women on premium T's..
Any sales would help us with my dude's medical bills from his recent 11 day stay in the hospital.
went in the 27th of May, got out June 6th, 4 days in ICU, 7 in Med/Surge with a surgery near the end. He has not been back to work since but should be able in the next few weeks. We've used up all of his PTO and sick days and any income extra would be super helpful.
Thanks! it is somewhat disconcerting when the only stuff that really gets looked at is porn.. i'll admit that i do a lot of that style also, but this was a lot of work and even had to finish it on the beast that we built that it's getting printed on because it was so massive.. final size was 55"x52" if i recall correctly. gonna be sized down to fit the case side. but it was a biggun.
Thanks! it is somewhat disconcerting when the only stuff that really gets looked at is porn.. i'll a