Waifu's, okay let me stp you right there, before you laugh let me tell you a story.
So I got my first computer at age 19, age 20 and I was happy. See all my life school had been toxic to me because i was always picked on. When i got into high school it tripled in torture. I was the lowest person on the popularity totem pole, teachers made fun of me, the bullied kids made fun of me it was a nightmare.
So I get a computer and a scanner and enter the art world of the internet. imagine my surprise when NO ONE cared about me or my art, i was heartbroken. Then one day i came across Bittenhard and his art. Now this is early on his career, heck he didnt even shade his work like he does now. Thats when I saw her, a Lopunny character he created named Mao Mao. she became my first internet muse. My desire to captivate her beauty led me to strive to be a better artist, it didnt matter to me anymore if I got favs or comments, i just wanted to be able to do her proud (Yes Im a part of reality and know she's not real)
This is why Mao Mao is important to me, she gave me the drive to be where I am today.