A thank you gift I made for Nori a while back and forgot to upload! (He bought me Undertale!) Gwen and Cori playing police. Their imaginary chief is going to go through the imaginary roof.
These two are just so adorable together! I can totally imagine Cori hanging out with Gwen and going along with her fun & games. Also I just spotted the Keco poster. XD
At least Gwen had some cushion for the landing, though. And jeez, Cori's really testing that top! Let's hope there aren't too many sudden movements.
These two are just so adorable together! I can totally imagine Cori hanging out with Gwen and going
Words will never be able to describe how much this makes me smile every time I look at it. The freckles, the grumpface on Gwen, the sheer adorable nature of the drawing's subject... it's all so good. <3
Words will never be able to describe how much this makes me smile every time I look at it. The freck