Okay so here’s what I decided to do as far as this comic goes “art-wise”:
I’ll work on it as much as I feel like working on it. After last week’s phail I really didn’t feel up to it today, so I just left it as a sketch ( plus it was the first day of school; long day ). Next week I may do a lineart, shaded lineart, full color, color without shading, or whatever. Depends on how I feel. This way I can at least keep up regular updates. Any gamer will tell you that good graphics alone don’t make a good game. Likewise, good art alone doesn’t make a good story, and the purpose of this comic is to tell the story, not to be pretty.
Anyone who feels like coloring these themselves may do so, but give me credit for the original and link back to it. Send me a link to yours if you do this and I will post it in the description of the comic on all my sites.
Panel 1: (“…Y’know, you guys really aren’t too good at that.”)
Panel 2: (“Wel if your damn ears weren’t so huge…”)
Panel 3: (“I know, right? You could land a freakin’ plane on these things!”)
Panel 4: (“You guys, shuddup. I have some good news.”)