April Showers Bring Wysteria’s Flowers
[In Wysteria’s Garden…]
“So many lovely flowers,” said Wysteria as she smells them. I can’t decide what ones to put on my outfit for the Friendship Ball. If I try to pick one, I’ll want one of the others as they smell just as good. The sweet daffodils, the lovely lilacs but I can’t take all of them and I don’t want to go without them because the flowers are so pretty. *Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash walk over*
“Wysteria, dahling, what’s wrong?” asked Rainbow Dash.
“I cannot decide which of my flowers to take,” explained Wysteria. They all have such great scents and look so beautiful.
“Maybe yours can have flowers on it?” asked Pinkie Pie.
“That is a possibility,” said Wysteria. Can we also put perfumes in it so that it smells like flowers?
“That’s worth a try, dear,” said Rainbow Dash. It’ll be a bit more expensive for Twinkle Twirl since she’s buying them for all of us but luckily since this is a special occasion, yours, with the added 10 jangles will have the price cut in half to 20 jangles instead of 40 so I think we should add the perfumes when your outfit arrives.
“We’ll need them soon, the Friendship Ball is this Friday, two days from now,” said Pinkie Pie. *Twinkle Twirl walks over*
“I’ve put in all the orders for the outfits that I’ve been given,” said Twinkle Twirl. Wysteria, are you interested in an outfit yourself?
“Oh most definitely but with a little extra like flowers on the bottom half,” answered Wysteria. That is, if it isn’t too much trouble or money.
“Of course I can,” said Twinkle Twirl. I have exactly enough to fill out everyone in Pudgyville’s orders, that is, because this is a special event. If it weren’t, there’s no way I could give all that many ponies their outfits. Plus all the ponies that have ordered so far have agreed to help set up for the Friendship Ball. Melody even agreed to help with the music.
“How dahling of her,” said Rainbow Dash.
“That pony’s band is so talented,” said Pinkie Pie. Her band won the Battle of the Bands again almost two weeks ago. *Melody and her friends show up*
“Oh good, you guys are here,” said Twinkle Twirl. Just wanted to let you know that your orders have been made and you should get them the day of the Friendship Ball.
“Really? Awesome!” said Melody excitedly. Can the rest of my band have an outfit too? I can’t leave any of them out after they see mine.
“Sure I can,” said Twinkle Twirl. After all, you and your band are playing music together.
“We’ll definitely give them a show,” said Tuneful.
“One they won’t ever forget,” added HalfNote.
“Aren’t you getting one, Twinkle?” asked Pinkie Pie.
“As nice as it looks, I don’t think I want one just yet,” said Twinkle Twirl. I’m more worried about all my friends getting their special outfit first.
“How generous of you, dahling,” said Rainbow Dash.
“It’s the least I can do since everyone is helping with the Friendship Ball,” said Twinkle Twirl.
“I thank you all for helping me decide on what I want my outfit to be like,” said Wysteria.
“What are friends for?” said Pinkie Pie. We knew you wouldn’t be out having fun with us at the Friendship Ball if you didn’t have your outfit like everyone else did and we can’t have fun without you.
“Well Twinkle dahling, you’ve done a marvelous job at getting all of our orders done,” said Rainbow Dash. I can see that this Friendship Ball will be our most exquisite one ever.
“Now all we have to do is wait,” said Twinkle Twirl. We’ll be able to do more once our outfits and the Friendship Ball arrive.
“This’ll be a great way to celebrate the end of the school year,” said Bright Eyes.
“What more could we want?” asked Melody. It’ll also be our first time wearing the new outfits and those will be a sight to see.
“Will Teddy and the others be allowed in?” asked Sweetheart.
“Of course, this is for all Pudgyville’ers,” said Twinkle Twirl.
“He’ll truly be happy to know this,” said Sweetheart.