(The title says it all.)
It was the start of another school day. I was seventeen and going to Papakura high school, I was in the XA unit.
I got to school and decided to go relax til the bell, so I walked over to a tree and sat down with my back against the tree, then I put my hands behind my head. The other students were playing with different kinds of pokemon, which was fine by me, at least I'll be left alone, which is how I like it. Just befour I closed my eyes, I noticed something small and green flying over to me, it was a celebi. I hoped that she'll fly past me, but she didn't. She flew up to me and tryed to get my attention, but I tryed to ignore her, thinking that she'll leave. Boy was I totally wrong. Instead, she decided to be a mischievous little thing, and tryed to get me to play with her.
"The little devil," I thought.
She grabbed my arm and tryed to get me up. This told me that she really wanted a playmate, and that she wasn't going to leave, but I still wouldn't budge for her, I wasn't going to move til the bell goes. She then got an idea. She knew I liked being devoured. Usualy, I had a lovely predator of some kind devour me everyday, it's just something that I injoy.
She thought to herself, "Why can't I be his predator?" or something like that.
I heard the bell ten minutes later and got up, that was when I realized that something was wrong. My bag was now huge. Actually, everything was huge now. In fact, I could see my bag hidn up in the tree. I then noticed celebi coming up to me again, and she was about my size now. Then again, in the real sense of this, it was more like, I was her size.
"Funny," I thought in confusion.
Celebi just grabbed me, and had a very happy and mischievous look on her face.
"What are you up too?" I asked.
She answered my question by shoving me head 1ST into her mouth, which she could now do, all because I had been shrunken to her size. This surprised me, but I let her proceed. She soon started swallowing me down. I could tell that she was quite obviously injoying this, since she was drooling from happyness, but I was also injoying it. She finally got my feet into her mouth and swallowed them. I fell right into her stomach, which was small, but very comfy for that fact. Celebi then sat up in the tree beside my bag and rubbed her over full belly, but she was still drooling. She was loving this more then I was, if that was even possible. To be truthful, I also loved this, as this was my very 1ST time in a celebi. However, knowing celebi as well as I did, she wouldn't let me out til she was ready too, which wouldn't be for a while, I just hoped that I won't miss all of school, or be in trouble.
"Good side, I'll have a good excuse," I thought.
I knew that I'll be traped in her for a long time, I just didn't know how long it'll be, so I decided to make the most of the situation. I settled in and fell asleep very fast, all cuddled up inside celebi's nice little stomach.
I woke up to the feeling of celebi letting me out. Once I was out, she got my bag down from the tree, then returned me back to my true size. I noticed the other students and the teachers were all inside. I looked at my watch.
"Oh crap! I'm so dead," was all that I said.
There was only ten minutes of school left. I got up, grabbed my bag and started for the XA unit, celebi came with me, probably knowing that I'm going to be in big trouble because of her.
I walked into the class room and was met by miss Nichol, who was angry with me. At least the rest of the class were elsewere in the school.
"Where have you been all day? I know you came to school," she said, glaring at me.
"The answer to your question is the stuff that's caked all over me," I replied.
She opened her mouth to say something, but she stopped as she noticed that something did cover me from head to foot.
"Is that... slober?" she asked.
"Yes. It's saliva, from this celebi. She devoured me at the start of school," I replied, pointing at the celebi beside me.
"Prove it. Your head won't even get into her mouth," miss Nichol told me.
"You know what to do, celebi," I told her as I dropped my bag.
She started to shrink me, and I shrunk to her size again. Miss Nichol was surprised, but she picked me up and set me on the table.
"Don't try to stop her," I told miss Nichol, then I called celebi.
Celebi carryed my shrunken bag over to me and put it on the table. Celebi then grabbed me and smiled very happily.
"Do it, I know you want too," I said to her, smiling back.
Miss Nichol had a side on view of me and celebi as she sat down, so she could see everything, but she was shocked when celebi started to shove me into her mouth, head 1ST like last time. She soon started swallowing me down. Miss Nichol went to grab me and celebi to stop celebi from devouring me. She suddenly remembered me telling her not to try stopping celebi, and I looked relaxed as I disappeared, so she sat and watched us, letting celebi proceed. Like last time, celebi obviously injoyed this as she drooled from happyness again, but miss Nichol could tell that I was also injoying it. Miss Nichol watched in worry as celebi finally finished me off and swallowed my feet. As worryed as miss Nichol was, she was surprised that I never struggled as I fell right into celebi's comfy stomach again. Celebi rubbed her over full belly, but she was still drooling again.
"I told you that celebi devoured me, and she won't let me out til she's ready too," I told miss Nichol, then the bell went.
"Are you alright in there?" she asked.
"I'm fine. Will you let celebi out?" I replied.
Miss Nichol opened the door for celebi to leave. Celebi grabbed my bag and left, flying away from the school, carrying me in her belly. I somehow knew that celebi was taking me home, so I fell asleep to injoy a sleepy trip home as celebi's nice, cuddly little stomach caressed me. Unfortunately, this left my dad back at the school, waiting for his son, who was already on his way home, in his new celebi friend's stomach.
The end