Having been in a STRAC unit and as a medic I think I'm still immunized against things like the Plague and Yellow fever. Gods I hated shot lines. Getting not giving.
Having been in a STRAC unit and as a medic I think I'm still immunized against things like the Plagu
We had a guy who was afraid of needles so we bribed the medic to bring in one used for tranquilizing horses. When our friend got there he was told that because he was afraid of needles he would only get one ... then they pulled out the horse needle and he fainted. They gave him his real shots while he was still unconscious.
lol We had a guy who was afraid of needles so we bribed the medic to bring in one used for tranquil
I think all medics have pulled that one since the time of Caesar's legions. We had a needle like that attached to a 50cc syringe filled with some murky black liquid (coffee).
I think all medics have pulled that one since the time of Caesar's legions. We had a needle like th