Character Sheet for Rökkan
Friendly, tries not to be too judgemental on people, but can't help it sometimes due to being a tad cynical sometimes. A bit shy and timid. He's normally sweet, but can have explosions of agressiveness if pushed around much.
Likes to draw and to listen to music a lot. A huge fan of retro gaming and everything retro. Loves to eat, specially sweets, and to take long walks or bike rides while listening to music. Also likes to experience everything, try new things.
Doesn't stand boredom, likes being dominant and having people following what he says or agrees on, and because of that, hates being ordered around, which makes it hard for him to do most jobs.
Is from a rich family from a country called Illiand (a country with culture similar to India and Turkey). White lions are all of royal families in Illiand, and this is why his family owns a large fortune. He decides to take overseas studies to whatever is the equivalent of the United States in FURRYWORLD.
Tints his hair a lot. It's normally tinted in brown, like on the reference, but it's usual to see him with different colors for his hair. He might even tint it on its natural color - white, although it's the most unusual color he tints. His mane is not tinted though.
He's usually seen with this Pac-Man jacket, but that doesn't mean much, he wears all sorts of clothing. Usually with a retro gaming thematic.