Bart: WOOOOOO! WE OWN OUR OWN COMPANY! Rocky: C!E!O!C!E!O! Titus: Look at that beautiful chunk of bunny go. Brad, on behalf of the all the celebration sex I'm getting later; my dick thanks you. Brad: How in the actual fuck did we just pull that off? Titus: We put on a good show? Brad: The first 2 minutes we spent trying to get a video of Rocky fucking off the screen. Then I had to calm Mr. Soto down when his husband got hard from Rocky grinding on his back. Titus: He wasn't grinding. He was instructing him on how to handle the product. You know he has problems understanding peronsal space. Brad: A room! was set! on fire! Titus: ... Okay, that one I'll give you. Brad: Should I feel bad. It feels like we cheated somehow. Titus: I stopped questioning the forces that charge me nothing for my boys' successes.
Sen: I know what you are all wondering? Who exactly is this young lady? Jet: Hmph. Sen: And RUDE mountain of a rottweiler? The answer. The concerned parents of the little genius looking to start up a simple gaming and Tech company. -Silenced Gunshot- Sen: Mr. Soto, please stop pressing the security button. He already took care them. Jet: Mm. Sen: Yes, that is a good example. You all remember Flint. Don't worry, I have pictures. Room of executives: Gulp Sen: That how the King men like retribution. And let's be honest we all know you guy deserve some kind of punishment for the shit you've gotten away with. *stunned silence* Sen: ...W e l p, I see you all have a lot to think about. If you have any questions I've programmed his number into your phone, feel free to call anytime- Jet: Hrrn Sen: Right, except for Toonami night.
She can't personally. Her normal tactics(Which Cole admires) don't work on someone who flaunts the bad shit he does. He is, however, afraid of his son Jet.
Rocky is the most child-like. Jet just likes anime.
Flint was paid to do a job. Now instead of his Brad's dad, Brad is a Co-CEO along with Titus's Dad. Flint opened a conference call so the investors all heard what happened.
She can't personally. Her normal tactics(Which Cole admires) don't work on someone who flaunts the b
Cole would love to cause collateral damage. But Jet is trained to effectively/efficiently take down people like Cole. Which scares the old man shitless.
Cole would love to cause collateral damage. But Jet is trained to effectively/efficiently take down
And considering that these are the King men we're talking about, guessing Cole's hole got breached often by Cole 2.0 whenever the old dog caused too much mischief? XD
And considering that these are the King men we're talking about, guessing Cole's hole got breached o