This is the new btl-62Z modular assault carrier for military and civilian use, it comes with a wide variety of modular pods for practically every kind of mission or personal use, she's equipped with 4 high power repulserlift thrusters mounted on the underside of the container clamps for atmospheric flight and powerful magnetic landing pads to lock to a ship's hull, deck plate, or landing pad. Each pod is a standard size and the btl-62Z is even open for 3rd party accessory pods by other companies or independent owners, can house one standard astromech in the dorsal slot but can allow for up to 7 to be used with the other 6 kept in the habitation, medical, or troop pods. There is also a variant of the habitation pod that has command equipment and long range sensors and hyperspace broadcasters for pan-galactic communication.
all pods on record: passenger pod: can seat up to 136 people in 17 rows of 8 habitation pod: can house up to 8 people and up to 6 droids comfortably with plenty of room for them, it can fold out large compartments for a cooking area, workshop, and a second level for the sleeping quarters and general entertainment area, includes a micro fusion reactor and back up solar batteries. medical pod: has the same fold out capability as the habitation pod but can expand into a footprint twice the size of the habitation pod and can be linked with other medical pods to create a large field hospital with proper medical equipment and sterile rooms. multi troop transport pod: can carry a compliment of 272 troops fully armed and 2 or 3 small speeders and is heavily armored. cargo pod: can be configured for different cargo from frozen goods, vehicles, large parts, cargo crates, lifeforms, droids, you name it.
future pod variant's siege pod: A variant of the troop transport pod. It has a sealed port on the underside that can be dropped onto a ship's hull, cut a hole and allow troops inside. aerial bombardment pod: Is equipped with 7 twin turbolazer turrets on either side and a large bomb bay for carpet bombing the enemy back into the stone age. neutron torpedo pod: capable of firing up to 12 high yield weapons and can use the pod itself to set them all off at once by getting up top speed and having the pod ram through the hull of a ship where the warheads go off.
the angel is my baby. i designed her to be 2.5 times bigger then the falcon with a shit ton of cargo space, and i might upgrade her to have a slot for a star fighter.
the angel is my baby. i designed her to be 2.5 times bigger then the falcon with a shit ton of cargo
yeah, but with the ship being 2.5 tines bigger then a normal yt 1300 it could hold one, maybe 2 if their small enough. then again i might not go with the star fighter thing.
yeah, but with the ship being 2.5 tines bigger then a normal yt 1300 it could hold one, maybe 2 if t