The next morning Guy woke up feeling something heavy on his chest. He blinked his eyes to get the fuzzy blur out of his sight but it was still there. And now it growled.
'Wake up human.'
He tried to focus again and this time he recognised the blur as a canine with black thick fur, baring its fangs partially. 'What's going on?' he asked, unsure if he was still dreaming.
'That's my line.' the canine growled.
'What indeed.'
He closed his eyes again and sighed. 'Wait, start anew. Who are you and why are you here?'
'I'm asking the questions here.' it growled, leaning closer to his face. 'Who are you and why are you here?'
'I live here!'
'Cani?' he heard Feli say next to him.
He realised only now that Feli had crawled against him in her sleep, holding his arm in her hands. 'You know her?' he asked, turning his head to face her.
'Yeah, she's the daughter of the Hound family. We were in class together. Why are you here?' she asked, looking at the canine.
'I heard you came on the same exchange program as I did.' Cani said, her threatening growling gone, replaced by a concerned tone in her husky voice. 'Then when I heard you went missing I looked for you until I heard you were seen in this area. I search around, caught your scent and followed it to find you in the clutches of this human.' She looked at Guy and bared her fangs again. 'Did he hurt you?' she asked, the growl back in her voice.
'What? No!'
'He didn't abuse you?'
'I figured he must've done something because you never got close to any boy or man.'
Now Feli noticed she had crawled up to him in her sleep and was still holding him tight. 'Oh!' she said and looked at Guy, letting go of his arm. 'Gomen.'
He grinned. 'No problem. It's nice to feel your soft warm hands.'
'Hey, don't get all over her.' Cani growled, her muzzle closer to his face.
'How could I, when you're all over me?'
'Ah. Right.' she said, taken aback by his logic.
'Look at you.' Feli said, sitting up. 'You're a mess.'
'Ah.' Cani said, realising her fur, shirt and pants were filthy from running all over town.
'Shower's that way.' said Guy and gestured at the bathroom.
Cani looked into that direction. 'Ah.'
When she didn't move from his chest he looked at Feli.
'She has always hated baths. Going into water was never her strong point.' Feli said.
'Well, it's a shower, I'd think that should be less of a problem.' he said.
'I still think we need to help her.'
At that moment Cani tried to run off but Feli grabbed onto her. 'Quick! Grab her!'
Guy rolled over and grabbed Cani's arms. Cani struggled but together they managed to move her to the shower. There she tripped him and Guy ended up on the floor with Cani in his arms.
'No! Let go!' Cani whined while struggling.
He reached out, took the showerhead and turned on the water on themselves.
'Aaahh!' she screamed as her head became wet.
'Hold her!' Feli said as she undressed Cani.
She still struggled but a lot less now so Feli had little trouble getting her out of her dirty clothes.
'Can you get her ready? I'm going to get the shampoo.' Feli asked, shaking herself dry.
'Yeah.' he said as he held Cani with his legs and washed her head and back.
'You're so mean..' Cani whined.
'Sorry.' Guy said. 'But we can't have you running around like some dirty mongrel. You're much too pretty for that.'
For a moment her ears pricked up, then went flat again. 'Don't make fun of me.'
'I'm serious. You're a pretty colour.'
She sighed and he felt her relax a little more. 'Okay then.'
'I got the shampoo.' Feli said and sat down in front of Cani and looked at her. 'What did you say to her?' she asked Guy.
'Why?' he asked while he continued washing her back without having to keep her trapped in his legs.
'Nothing.' said Cani, looking down. 'Let's just get this over with.'
Feli took the showerhead while Guy shampood Cani's back. 'This isn't so bad right now, is it?'
Cani slowly shook her head but kept her ears flat.
'I'm ready.' Guy said and leaned sideways to look at Feli. 'Woww.' he said when he saw her wet fur body and leaned back.
'What's wrong?' Feli asked.
'Nothing. Nothing at all. But maybe it's better if I left the rest up to you.'
Cani turned back to him. 'Hey, you started this, so you finish it too.'
He saw Cani's soaped shape and quickly looked away. 'It's not that I wouldn't want to, but it's not a custom here for men and women to wash each other when they're not, ehmm, intimately involved.'
'But you did.' Cani said.
'This is an exception. You wouldn't have gotten in here if I didn't help.'
'Why would you have to be intimate?' Feli asked.
'Because for a man beautiful curves are stimulating.'
'Stimulating?' Cani asked.
'Did you both by any chance go to a conservative all girls school?'
'Yes?' Feli said.
'You didn't learn what happens when a man is attracted to a woman? What we refer to as the birds and the bees and flowers?'
Feli pondered about what he meant for a moment, then it dawned on her. 'Oh. Ohhh.' she said, feeling embarrassed.
'Indeed. So it's better I get out now.'
'No.' said Cani. 'You still have to finish my back. Otherwise I won't forgive you.'
'No buts.' she pouted.
He sighed. 'I guess I have no choice then, but I leave when I'm finished.'
He continued washing her back but took care to look only at that.
'There, finished.' he said as he rinsed her back one last time. 'Now I go.'
She nodded and he got up, careful to not look at the girls.
'Arigatou.' Cani said, just as he got out the doorway.
'You're welcome.'
'Thanks for your help.' Feli said.
'No problem.' he said as he closed the door behind him.
He took off his drenched clothes, dried himself, got dressed and sank down into the couch feeling exhausted. 'What a start of the day.'
When the girls got out of the shower dressed in dry clothes Guy had set out for them, he couldn't help but think of them as young human women, just a little more different in racial looks than most.
'Better now?' Cani asked him.
He smiled. 'Yeah, you're both looking good.'
'We'd better get ready to go shopping.' Feli said quickly and pushed Cani to the other room.
First they stopped at the baker who was surprised at suddenly finding two guests of the state in his shop.
'Morning.' Guy said.
'How?' the baker said, almost forgetting to close his mouth.
'Circumstances.' Guy said, checking out the bread selection.
'Ah. I see.'
His daughters at the counter were already all over Feli and Cani explaining what all the pastries were.
'Sorry about that.' Guy said.
The baker grinned. 'No worries. How about something for tea? It's on the house as a special welcome for them.'
'Thanks, but I couldn't.'
'Take it. I've never seen my girls so excited.'
The girls all said goodbye and the next stop was at the butcher with the same effect.
'Would you like a taste?' asked the butcher to Cani who was looking at the sample plate and wagging her tail like crazy.
'Can I?' she asked, her ears pricking up.
'Cani!' said Feli. 'Behave yourself.'
Cani looked at Feli with flat ears and sad eyes and the butcher laughed. 'That's what they're there for.' he said and handed Cani a slice of sausage. 'This one can be eaten cold and warm.'
'Arigatou!' Cani said and munched on it. 'Good.' he hummed happily.
'Well, guess I'll take a piece of that too.' Guy said while he ordered meat for tonight's dinner.
Guy already knew they would also be a hit at the other stores when they went there. By the time they went into his family's store he knew they'd already heard the news.
'I guess you do go overboard when you start something.' his uncle said. 'Not just one, but two girls now.'
'It's not like that. Cani is a chilhood friend of Feli's.' Guy said.
'If you say so, but it sure is something.' his uncle said as the girls looked back at them while they were busy with his aunt.
'That reminds me, I'd better call Tesha.' Guy said.
His uncle raised an eyebrow. 'Another girl?'
'Their agent for the exchange program. I have to let her know Cani's with us.'
'I already heard.' Tesha said from behind him.
Guy turned around to face her.'Ah, Tesha. I was about to call you when we got back from shopping.'
'I saw messages on the net about the three of you going to the shops here.' she said, looking at the girls who were checking out hair brushes with Auntie. 'I'm glad she turned up because it made quite the fuss at the office when she went missing.'
The girls walked up to them when they had collected what they needed and Tesha looked sternly at Cani who kept herself a little behind Guy.
'You caused us trouble, young lady.' Tesha said.
Cani looked down, her ears flattened in shame. 'Sorry.'
'What would have happened if something bad had happened to you? You can't just run off in a strange country.' Tesha said, then relaxed. 'But I'm glad you're okay. Now we can see where you can stay.'
Guy felt a tug at his back and saw her looking at him with big eyes. 'There was no place assigned to her yet?' he asked Tesha.
'No, she wasn't supposed to come here in another week.'
Guy looked at Tesha again. 'I think she would like to stay with us.'
Tesha looked at Cani who nodded quickly and carefully wagged her tail. 'I guess we can arrange that. You have enough room for now so if you and Feli have no objection?'
He looked back at Cani. 'I think it would be a good for both of them to stay together.'
Cani hugged him tightly and wagged her tail. 'Arigatou.'
'Are you sure you can handle them both?' Tesha asked.
'Since you'd like me to show Feli around, one more won't make much of a difference. And I think it's better when Feli doesn't only have me to rely upon.'
The rest of the day they spend shopping for extra furniture and household items and in the evening they introduced Cani on the diary. Guy had purchased a good camera and posted a few pictures of the girls in the newly furnished room.
'That didn't take long.' he said as he looked at the counters on the website.
'What didn't?' Feli asked.
'For this diary to get world famous.' he said and pointed at the statistics. 'The whole world is watching us.'
He nodded. 'You're real celebrities now.'
'Oh dear.'
'Well, what did you expect when you came here? You girls are special.' he said with a grin.
'I just never thought about that. I only thought of learning about humanity.'
'Now you'll also learn about being famous.' he smiled. 'But first, you'll learn about cooking.'
Together they prepared dinner and watched one of the movies from the list while eating it.
'Is everyone here required to watch this?' Cani asked after a while.
'Heh, fortunately not.' Guy said. 'Although I do understand why they put it on the list. It shows us an example of human emotions involved in a family.'
She stretched and yawned. 'At least it helps me fall asleep.' she said and he chuckled.
'True.' he said, feeling the same effects.
The girls went to their room and he laid out the futon for himself. He listened to the sounds of the late evening through the half open balcony door when he heard footsteps coming in.
'Ehmm..' Feli started with Cani next to her.
He chuckled. 'I think I know what you'd like to ask, make yourself comfortable.'
The girls crawled into the futon next to him.
'Thank you.' Feli whispered.
'No, thank you. It feels comfortable to have you close. Sleep well.'
'Good night.' they said and fell asleep soon.
This day Feli, Cani and Guy would visit a couple of sites in the city showing the history of mankind. Tesha had arranged a minivan for the hour long drive to and from the city and they went off on their trip right after breakfast.
They started at the prehistoric museum where the girls learned about humanity's first use of tools.
'For us this came much later. We had our own equipment for hunting so we didn't need spears and knifes.' Feli said, extending her claws with a little grin.
'I can imagine.' Guy said and chuckled. 'I must have a look at your history one day.'
After lunch at a cafe they walked around the last museum with recent history. Guy saw Cani looking around nervously.
'What's wrong?'
'Bathroom.' she whispered.
'Ah.' he said and pointed to a doorway in the corner of the hall. 'That way. I think it's a bit further down the hall.'
She hurried over and he went back to watching the displays with Feli.
Cani found the bathroom right away and felt very relieved when she came out. She looked outside over the courtyard through an open window when she heard noises coming from the other end of the hallway. Curiously she walked up to the door and saw a sign that said Black Pages. Carefully she opened the door and saw the violent history of mankind on display.
Guy looked at the clock. 'She's been away for some time now. I think I'll check up on her.'
'I'll come with you.' Feli said and they walked to the bathroom.
When she didn't find Cani inside they decided to check the other side as there was no other way out.
Guy read the sign and got a bad feeling. They walked in and found her standing in the middle of the hall in front of a display of photos from a recent war.
'Ah shit.' Guy said as he saw tears on her face.
She looked back at him. 'Is this true?'
He nodded and looked at the photos. 'I'm afraid so. Humanity has a dark side and we're not proud of it, but we musn't hide it either. Hopefully one day we can all be at peace with each other. It will take time and patience though. I'm really sorry you had to see this.'
She fell in his arms and cried while he stroked her head.
'She never could handle dramatic things like wars.' Feli said. 'We too have had our share but this scares even me.'
'I'm sorry. You must think humanity is evil.'
'Yeah, but then there are all the good people in your street so it must not be all bad.'
'True. And if we can focus on that good, simple life we might achieve real enlightenment one day.'
'Can we go home now?' Cani asked softly, rubbing her eyes.
He nodded. 'Yeah, let's go.'
The museum director hurried up to them as they left the hall.
'Im sorry, that exhibit was to be closed off today.' he said, seeing the sadness in everyone's eyes.
'They would have found out about it sooner or later. Might as well get it over with.' Guy said.
'Please don't think all bad about us.' the director said to the girls. 'I hope you've also learned about the wonderful arts and inventions we've created over the years.'
Feli nodded. 'We all have our two sides, I just hope we can all let go of our bad sides one day.'
He nodded. 'I hope this exhibition will help with that. It's the least we can do.'
'Thank you for your concern, and for educating people.' Guy said.
'Thank you for visiting. We're honoured to have you here.'
Back at the car an usher came running up to them holding tickets in his hand.
'The director would like you to have these. He would like for our special guests to experience the fun side to humanity as well.'
Guy took the tickets to a large amusement park. 'Tell him we're very happy to get these, and we'll certainly enjoy our time there and will remember his generousity.'
He showed them to the girls. 'Thanks to him we have plans for tomorrow.'
By the time they got home Cani felt much better and watching a comedy during dinner made them forget about the experience for a while.
When it got time to sleep Cani took Guy's futon and took it to their side. 'You might as well start sleeping here.'
He looked at Feli.
'Yeah, I feel more comfortable sleeping next to you as well.'
'Guess I can't refuse a majority decision.' he chuckled and crawled under the futon with them.
The next morning Guy woke up from knocking on the door. He stood up feeling groggy and found Tesha outside.
'What happened?' she asked, her arms folded across her chest.
She stepped inside and showed him a picture of him holding a crying Cani.
'Ah, that.'
'Yes, that.' she huffed. 'You were supposed to shield the girls from that. We can't have them tell about those things to everyone. And now it has spread over the entire net.'
'It's not his fault.' Cani said as she walked up to Guy and Tesha. 'I walked into that exhibit on my own.'
'Even so, he should have kept an eye on you.' Tesha said, glancing at Guy.
'I'm glad he doesn't act as my nanny. That won't make my stay more comfortable.' Cani said taking his arm in her embrace.
The phone rang and Feli picked it up.
'Yes. Yes, we did.' she said. 'Really? No, we didn't think it would make a real difference. He is? No, tell him we're happy to have helped in this way. Thank you.'
They looked at her when she put down the phone.
'That was the museum. It seems our post on the exhibition has made a lot of people go there to take a look. There are schools who would like to reserve time there to teach special lessons on what effect war has on society. It'll become a permanent exhibition soon and the director wanted to say thanks for writing about it.'
'Well, I guess that was one part of the good news then.' Tesha said.
'There's more?' Guy asked.
'When this picture of Cani had gone viral it ended up influencing the peace talks at the southern countries. Apparently both parties are willing to settle things now and have signed a truce.'
Guy raised an eyebrow. 'You're kidding?' he said.
'Nope.' she said and smiled.
He looked at Cani who jumped in his arms wagging her tail. 'Those tears were worth it then.'
'Yeah.' he said and stroked her head.
A knock on the door had them looking that way to a courier with several packages.
'Special delivery from General Moralez and president Mitchofsky.'
Guy opened the letter. 'It's a thank you for reminding them about the pain they caused to their people and making them stop their petty war. These are specialties from their countries which they hope we'll enjoy with their gratitude. And perhaps one day be able to visit.'
Cani opened one carton. 'Fruits, dried wild meat, small locally made items. It has all sorts of things.'
'Can you deliver a message to them?' Cani asked the courier who nodded.
'Give our gratitude to the general and president, and ask them to do their best to bring happiness to their people. If they can do that they will have brought a smile to my face and I will look forward to visiting their countries.'
The courier left and Guy went to the couch to sit down. 'Again, what a start to a morning.'