this not a new character for anything, this girl is from my reacquiring dreams i had, i seen her 5 times now and never know who she is or why i've been dreaming her, normally if had a dream with someone that reacquires i knew him/her, but her i don't, i'll tell a story from the last time i met her
i had a realistic dream i found myself in my bed, but i felt soft and smooth arms around my chest with breathing behind me, as i look behind me i found her sleeping while she was wearing nothing but a bra and panties, i poked a few times to wake her, she woken saying "morning Matthew" then she kisses on my cheek, (i never once met her, how can i dream a real sensation of this girls kiss) i nervously responded morning while i was thinking "HOW DID SHE GET IN MY ROOM!???", the next thing i looked around in my room to see how she got in
I watched her go under the covers saying "you still want to know who i am, you did call me 'fun girl' ".i was dead silent trying to remember who she was or when did i said it. i saw her coming closer to kiss me, then i woke up for real thinking two things, "who was she" the second thing was "i almost gotten a kiss"
i still got no clue who she was
7 years, 11 months ago
18 Apr 2017 01:48 CEST
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