Suddenly, a man slides past the TV, snatches the boy, and disappears. Sid shakes the sister off, and looks over to who snatched his pray. The man reveals himself as his skeleton lights on fire to reveal a faux black leather jacket, blue jeans, and gloved hands that are holding onto a red-hot chain. The man lashes the chain out, and it wraps around Sid's arms, rendering him unable to do much. He tries to kick the boy's sister, but the pain of the heated metal quickly incapacitates him. The man pulls Sid to himself, and he drags Sid outside to a black 1967 Pontiac GTO. The man wraps the chain around the frame of the car, and gets into the driver's seat. He starts the car, and the engine roars out like a monster as fire comes out of the hood scoop, grill, and exhaust. The tires also light on fire, and the man rips away with Sid dragging behind him on a chain....
Suddenly, a man slides past the TV, snatches the boy, and disappears. Sid shakes the sister off, and