What can I say? When first transformed from dragon to a unicorn, I did not knew ponies had something called "Cutiemarks" on their flanks. My mistake was corrected at a latter time, but I've kept my filly form, because spying on playing with ponies is easier, if you are young. I am also told, that I look cute. Disguise level: Huge Success!
I still have the hope to have your little colorful horsy getting along with my own dark horsy. That's the only reason why I haven't sacrificed him yet lol
I still have the hope to have your little colorful horsy getting along with my own dark horsy. That'
Ehm...She's still a dragoness in the MLP:FiM universe, so it's less likely, that She ever will have a cutiemark... ...but She has found out that an adult pony usually does have one, so at some point She created her own.... ...that doesn't mean, that if She's in "blank flank mode", She cannot try out "fun things to do" to discover, if She might be good at that activity!
All outsiders will only see Her as a blank flank anyways, so try you luck as much as you like! ♥ ☺
Ehm...She's still a dragoness in the MLP:FiM universe, so it's less likely, that She ever will have