I came here for you today. Clasped my hands together tight as I lain to my knees. My eyes closed and my heart open. I pray for chances like this. I pray that you may hear me now or someday.
I wish you weren't so hard on yourself some days. I wish you had the faith in you as I do, and I know..it can be so very difficult...especially when we believe all we cast are shadows. That's why I'm here though. Because your shadow cast a light over my world. I wanted you to know that it's okay if you've been doubting in yourself...because if you're here, then you're still trying.
Some people really do believe they can lose themselves or their creativity like a candle. That they can wander onward through the rest of their lives without meaning or purpose...and it's not true. It's just not true, because the way that you are, the smallest act is like a beacon. You brighten this place, you know..? Maybe you don't believe me..but you do..
I wish you knew that expressing yourself didn't mean you were weak, or open to be hurt. That words needn't be concise to be meaningful, or art flawless to be admired, and inspiring. I wish you knew..you didn't have to be sorry for opening your heart and being kind. You don't detract from my world with your words and creativity...you enrich it with meaning.
I came here for you today. Head lain and eyes closed. My cracked heart open just for you. I believe you can make something magical happen...promise.
This is an amazing piece, both in art and writing. I've had this page open and waiting all day so I'm could read this one I had time, and I'm glad I was able to :3
This is an amazing piece, both in art and writing. I've had this page open and waiting all day so I'