Dark Legion Main Branch
Location: Necropolis (The Legion City)
Master: Grandmaster Kragorok
Kommissar: Grand Kommissar Lien-Da
Kommendant: Grand Kommendant Kave-Ne
Number of Members: 50,000+
Shadow: Elite Assassins, skilled in the Dark Chaos technique of Shadow Melding, only 17 Exist, one of them being Kragorok.
Frost: (Also Known As Cryo) Legionaries outfitted with advanced Cryo weapons,, usually the leader of units where no Shadow Trooper is present.
Flame: Legionaries outfitted with Flame gear, usually making up the heavy hitters of a unit. They are given Flame Swords as a starting weapon, but Long Range options are also available.
Secret Sections-
Sexy Troopers: Distracting Double Agents
Purge Troopers: The Secret Assassins that deal with traitors too dangerous for the Wasteland.
Threat Level- RED
Description- The Legion that resides in the Legion City. It is led by the Grandmaster, Grand Kommissar, and Grand Kommendant.
Dark Legion S-Branch
Location: Slave Colonies of Sulfara
Master: Mistress Tokka-Raj
Kommissar: Kommissar Delti-Ro
Kommendant: Kommendant Dakka-Raj
Number of Members: 24,000+
Scourges: Scary Legionaries that are outfitted to do as severe damage as possible without killing someone.
Numbers: Scourges that kill if the population of slaves grows too much.
Sentinels: The Colony Guards, they patrol at all times, making escape near impossible.
Secret Sections-
Assignment Troopers: Legionaries not cut out for fighting that handle the paper work involved in transferring slaves to where they are needed, be it labor camps, or as servants for the elites.
Threat Level- RED
Description- The Legion in charge of the Legion’s supply of Slave Labor. They are the second strongest in terms of leaders.
Dark Legion F-Branch
Location: Farming Colonies of Vados
Master: Mistress Pesti-Cy
Kommissar: Kommissar Bortic
Kommendant: Kommendant Del-Tar
Number of Members: 2,000+
Frights: Horribly Disfigured through extreme modifications to keep people away. They usually don’t move till approached.
Harvesters: Anyone missed by the Frights will find themselves faced with the Harvesters, large and imposing, they not only harvest the crops, but also anyone who isn’t supposed to be there.
Secret Sections-
Planters: The ones who plant and raise the crops. They are mostly encountered before harvest season, and are just as deadly as Harvesters.
Threat Level- RED-ORANGE
Description- The Legion in charge of the agricultural needs of the entire Legion. They have access to chemical weapons.
Dark Legion M-Branch
Location: Mining Colonies of Mobliz
Master: Master Koaloar
Kommissar: Kommissar Delta Minor
Kommendant: Kommendant Sivo
Number of Members: 3,000+
Demo: Explosive experts, built to withstand explosions, and to prevent cave ins.
Picks: The Diggers, for softer earth, they usually are brought in once a mineral deposit is found.
Retrievers: The Troopers who can jack into the cart system and transport the minerals through the mines.
Secret Sections-
Canaries- Mask Wearing Legionaries that enter any pocket first to see if the air contains poison using advanced tools.
Threat Level- YELLOW
Description- The Legion in charge of mining the minerals used by the Industrial Branch. Not combat oriented, but still semi-dangerous.
Dark Legion I-Branch
Location: Industrial Colonies of Vega
Master: Mistress Steel-Lix
Kommissar: Kommissar Explo
Kommendant: Kommendant Luminus-Fi
Number of Members: 5,000+
Welders: Troopers outfitted with welding tools, and other heat based weapons.
Cutters: Buzzsaw and industrial laser wielding troopers.
Smelters: Stationary Legionaries that have had major modifications done to become giant furnaces capable of melting even the strongest metals.
Secret Sections-
Printers: The brains behind the designs of the weapons, who give instruction and oversee production.
Threat Level- ORANGE
Description- The Legion that assembles all large tech that the other branches use. They are slightly more dangerous than the mining colony, but lower on the totem because of distance.
Dark Legion Exiled Branch
Location: The Badlands
Master: Mistress Darquess-Ys
Kommissar: NONE
Kommendant: NONE
Number of Members: Variable
Walkers: Those who have not yet been given a mission.
Floaters: Those who have succeeded their mission and are now dead.
Cowards: Those who fail their mission.
Secret Sections-
Threat Level- GREEN
Description- The Troopers who've messed up so much that their leaders couldn't take them anymore, or who have turned traitor. They are overseen by a single Mistress, and are selected at random for missions that end in guaranteed death.