failed in the first page, every 1st grader knows a bet isn't official till you agree to the terms and shake on it. good style in the drawing though, love the eyes...the little details around them sell the scene too
failed in the first page, every 1st grader knows a bet isn't official till you agree to the terms an
thats like asking them to sign a contract, and besides it is well known that a verbal bet is well within the domain of holding up in the first graders court.... *nods nods*
thats like asking them to sign a contract, and besides it is well known that a verbal bet is well wi
so long as someone witnessed the bet sure...most of the bets that hold up are made on the playground...quite intentionally i might add, no surer way to make sure that skidish buddy of yours cant back out then to have 10 eager gradeschoolers ready to see him embarased as hell and not willing to take no for an answer *evil grin* im a naughty kitsy hehe
sides one could also i supoose take wuffy not geting up and saying 'hal no' and leaving as an yeah my original point is now invalidated...carry on.
so long as someone witnessed the bet sure...most of the bets that hold up are made on the playground