Adorable! You have consistently done an excellent job with both Kass and the other Rito characters Crackers. It's great to see how expressive you can make them - you do good work handling facial features and making beaks work as mouths. Also you handle the character designs well like how you portrayed Kass' big wing hands here.
Another thing that's great in all of your work is your coloring, and it's really stood out for these because of how well you do bright primary colors like Kass' blue. Plus you do some nice details too, for instance you do a really cute blush effect and it works great here along with the sleeping Zs.
Thanks a lot for sharing your artwork Crackers! Hope we get to see more of the Rito characters from you. Good luck with everything!
Adorable! You have consistently done an excellent job with both Kass and the other Rito characters C
He goes, "Squeeze me Come on and squeeze me Come on and tease me like you do I'm so in love with you" Kass has got a squeezebox Linky never sleeps at night!
He goes, "Squeeze me Come on and squeeze me Come on and tease me like you do I'm so in love with