Done as a gift for my sister, she's off to college and we all got together and drew stuff on a pillowcase for her. Well, everyone else did, I painted this up and printed it to an iron on. The iron on kinda sucked, but the painting itself was pretty good I think, even if it's just black and white. She is a fan of Edgar Allen Poe's works and I thought this would suit her. Also, if any of you guys out there see this image on a girl's pillowcase, I'm watching you >.>
Gonna be leaving town for a few days, family visit. I've also been doing a lot of late night streams lately. Nothing real impressive, just doing some warmups before getting to my ref sheet, I've found it helps. might take some more minor requests while doing warmups when i get back in town, so I'll post a semi-schedule thing for when I'll be streaming.
1.5 hours on raven, 1.5 hours on text -_-; can't write for beans...also, photoshop.
13 years, 7 months ago
10 Aug 2011 05:36 CEST
Initial: a4d0df79f3699a991705470bf013552c
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2 favorites