Hey guys! Page 6 is finished :) Hope ya'll enjoy, this one looks really flashy. ;) That angel Sally tho. Inks by Sallyhot, colors by me!
Be sure to check out our patreon for the high res version and PSD, as well as updates, WiPs, Pinups, Music, and supporting this comic and our work! <3 https://www.patreon.com/teamacorn
Oh, oki. I thought you might have had the compression set too high if you're using Photoshop. I know some web pages compress the images you upload as well, tho I dunno if IB does this as well.
Oh, oki. I thought you might have had the compression set too high if you're using Photoshop. I know
Temptation Sally: Listen here, Antoine, I got 3 good reasons why you should give in to temptation. #1) Look at her! She's got that sissy stringy music thing!
Conscience Sally: We've been through this, it's a HARP, and you know it.
Temptation Sally: Reason #2) (does handstand) Look what I can do. (one arm) Ha!
Antoine: But... how does zat...
Conscience Sally: No, no... she's got a point...
Antoine: Look you 2 are starting to confuse moi, so begone! Or howevere I get rid of you guys...
Temptation Sally: (both disappear) That'll work.
I can see it now. Temptation Sally: Listen here, Antoine, I got 3 good reasons why you should give