Sonic GeneX - The Series: Armada!
Episode 4 - Seven Short Stories of GeneX
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
Previously on Sonic GeneX...
As GUN's Strike Force marched on through Hill Top Zone, joined by Guard and Mia, Sonic had been trapped in the past just after the Kosmogon's defeat. He soon decided to find his Uncle Chuck there, before his disappearance, and see if he could learn anything. All he learned was that Chuck was the one who removed Metal Sonic's voice chip, attempting to get at his restraining mechanism to free him, but Eggman arrived and recaptured the escaped robot. Sonic had a nice talk with his uncle before being returned to the present by the mysterious ferret, Capricorn. Once there, he learned that spending that little bit of time with his uncle that day convinced him to buy Sonic his own home, which he'd now apparently lived in for a year rather than being homeless.
Now, let's begin today's story!
"Hello, I'm Giseppi Gator! As I sit here on top of this hill, waiting for my hot dogs to warm up... it comes to my attention that this episode is titled 'Seven Short Stories!' That's a dumb number to stop at, so I'm here to get us up to eight! Now sit back and listen to my campy-fire story!" I as the narrator apologize for Gator's intrusion here. Let's get on with our actual seven short stories. "Aw, boo! Don't leave! Come on! I have a great story! It has pirates and ninjas and a sea monster! I even wrote theme music!" ...Nope, we've had enough Gator for this season... Let's see what everyone else is up to.
Sonic was looking around his "new" house, which he knew he now had as a result of his time traveling. Some memories of this new timeline had settled into his head, but there was still so much he couldn't remember. He wasn't sure how changing one's own past was supposed to work, but he remained confident that the rest of his new memories would catch up to him in time. He stretched out and sat on the couch in his living room, getting comfy, when he heard the front door creak. "Didn't I lock that? Hey! Maybe Uncle Chuck is fine in this timeline!" he hoped, sitting up only to be surprised as Mighty the armadillo stepped into the house! "Hey, roomie! Any luck finding Chuck? Maybe we should get Vector on the case, heh..." he said as Sonic fell out of his chair. "Roomie??" he babbled. "Yeah? Oh, lemme help you up there..." Mighty said, seeming unfazed by Sonic's jumpiness, "I know it's rough with Chuck missing, so I'm gonna make up dinner myself! ...Please don't make that face, I promise it won't be that bad this time..." he mumbled. "This time... huh??" Sonic rubbed his head, thinking hard. It was slowly coming back to him. Somewhere down the line, Mighty had moved in with him and Uncle Chuck. He couldn't quite remember WHY, but it was starting to feel strangely normal. Sonic suddenly groaned as a memory came to his head. "Wait, you cook vegetarian! If you're tryin' to cheer me up, mission failed!" he grumbled. Mighty shrugged. "Well, we could order out, I guess. But you definitely need to get your mind off things. How's about we spar a bit? I'll get my boxing gloves!" he grinned, hurrying upstairs. Sonic sighed. "A roommate, huh? ...This... will be interesting..." he mumbled.
Copter watched as Violet hopped into his plane, preparing to head back to the mainland for a while to do a few chores before coming back for a date later that night. "You know, Copter, you really need a proper ferry to this island." she chuckled. Hoover, the beaver robot who happened to be the plane's mechanic, was watching them, too. "I'd build yeh a ferry, but you'd prolly be careless as yeh are wit mah plane!" he said grouchily, stomping off. "He hates you flying his baby." Copter chuckled. Violet nodded. "Well, I'll have it back soon..." she said, blowing Copter a kiss before taking off in the Hurricane, leaving the black fox alone. Or so she thought. In a moment, a crab robot crept towards Copter from the shadows. "One perk of using Eggman's designs... It's easy to sneak into his old garage." it said. "...You... Cancer??" Copter stammered, recalling the robot from Libra's house. "I've been watching you..." Cancer said, "...And wondering how you can keep up this charade. Doesn't it bother you...knowing you inevitably hurt all that you love? After all, you did push away the coyote, you lost touch with the phoenix, and let's not forget that you lost the fennec's twin..." he said ominously. Copter glared at the crab robot. "Hey!? Who told you my past was an open book!? Get outta here! Before I tear those googly robot eyes off!!" he shouted, whipping his tails in Cancer's general direction. The robot skitted away, chuckling softly. "I think I've given you a good bit to think about..." he said, passing Hoover and Gemini in the doorway on his way out. "Hey! Where'd you come from!?" Gemini stammered. "Yeah, there's no Crabmeats on the robot-worker list fer this base!" Hoover added, following after him frantically, "Lemme see yer transfer papers!!" he yelled. Gemini glanced at Copter. "Punchy would like a word. Sounds important." she said. "I'll be right there..." Copter sighed, lost in thought. He watched her leave, going over what Cancer said in his head. "Maybe I'm jumping into things with Violet, even though there might be someone better... because I'm... afraid to hurt that someone..." he wondered to himself, his eyes staying locked on Gemini until she was out of sight...
On this particular day, Blaze was visiting her good friends Amy and Cream, and taking a break from her duties in her home dimension. The three of them had decided to take a nice, relaxing bike ride around town. "This was a good idea... Normally these bikes kinda collect dust until the Olympics. Sonic insists on running everywhere." Amy said. Cream had to pedal a bit harder to keep up with Amy and Blaze. "C-can we go a bit slower?" she panted. "Oh, of course, sorry..." Blaze chuckled. As they were approaching a stop light, though, Wave the swallow came speeding over on her bike, and pulled in front of them, cutting them off and making Cream stumble to a stop, nearly falling! "Waaah!! Th-that was close... Oh!" She noticed that Cheese was holding up the side of her bike, and had kept her from crashing. "Th-thanks, Cheese..." she sighed. Wave laughed at them. "Look at you girls with your kiddie bikes. Mommy just take off your training wheels?" she taunted. Amy growled and pulled up beside her. "I can out-bike you any day!" she shouted. Blaze moved up to join them, making Cream nervous. "W-we shouldn't race in the street like this! A-amy?? Blaze??" she stammered. However, once the light turned green, they took off, and Cream went after them, frantically trying to talk them out of it! They sped through the busy streets, racing to see who could pedal to the next light the fastest. Blaze pulled ahead first. "What was that about training wheels?" she smirked. Wave pedaled harder, cutting in front of her. "Ha! Nice try, kitten!" she taunted. Amy was laughing as she pedaled like crazy, inching closer and closer to Wave. "I'm... gonna... beat you!!" she huffed. "In... your... dreams!" Wave chuckled. Before they reached the light, though, they found themselves blocked by a police motorcycle. "Halt!!" shouted Razor the porcupine, leading the four of them to stop short! Razor proceeded to hand out tickets to Amy, Blaze and Wave. "Speeding, biking outside the bike lane, failure to wear full protective gear... Tsk, tsk..." he said, shaking his head. "Aw, c'mon, we're just having a bit of fun!" Amy whined. "You would ticket a princess?" Blaze growled. "Hey, why aren't you ticketing the kid??" Wave grumbled. Razor crossed his arms. "You three should be setting an example for the young one!" he huffed. "Yeah!" Cream panted, and slowly pointed behind Razor, "Um... should he be doing that, by the way?" she asked. "Whoooo-hoooo!!" came Ridley's voice as Razor startdledly turned around to find the coati performing wheelies on his police motorcycle, while the girls clapped for his performance. Razor groaned. "What am I gonna do with you, Ridley!?" he muttered.
On West Side Island, Guard the gargoyle and Mia the cat had separated from the GUN Strike Force and headed for Aquatic Ruin Zone, following the trail left by Speedy's forces after their last attack. The calm, partially flooded ruin was almost a romantic setting, particularly with nothing there to attack the pair. Mia, however, was focused on trying to slip out of the Chaos Claws, to no avail. "These things are stuck on good..." she groaned. Guard sighed. "I asked Conan about it. Grrr... He said he had yet to fully understand the Chaos Claws, which was why he elected not to wield them when he was on the run. He didn't sound like he wanted to cooperate, but I'll MAKE him..." he grunted. Mia smiled. "You know, in your brutish way, you're kind of a nice guy..." she said, walking close beside him. "Rrr? No I'm not... Anyway, we need to stay alert..." Guard muttered, blushing at her close proximity to him. She allowed her tail to tangle around his as they walked. "And he's modest...not to mention...strong..." she sighed with a playful longing in her voice. He blushed even more at this, looking away from her nervously. "Grrr! H-having you quite the distraction!" he said, flustered. Mia smirked. "You like it. I can tell." she chuckled, "And I like this shy side of you. Real cute." she grinned. "...We need to keep moving..." Guard grunted. Before they could get far, though, they were interrupted. "Ugh, get a room, you sickos!" came the irritated voice of Speedy from across the nearby lake! Guard looked across with a start. "Grah!? Err, I mean... Found you!" he stammered. Speedy laughed. "Looks like I'm the one that found you! Now let's see... Shall I blow ya sky high...?" he muttered thoughtfully, "On second though, I'll have these robots built by Dr. Furobotov go after you!" he shouted. "It's Doctor Fukurokov!!" the doctor yelled from behind his cover nearby. Guard and Mia quickly readied for a fight as dozens of mouse-shaped robots came crawling in their direction. "...Seriously? Mice versus a cat? These guys are toast." Mia said, baring her Chaos Claws.
Shadow the hedgehog had come to the Mystic Ruins, and banged grouchily on the door to Tails Workshop until the fox answered. "Uh, hi Shadow... Why so grim?" Tails muttered, his gloves covered in black smudges from whatever he was tinkering on before the interruption. Shadow stepped inside impatiently. "This is how I always look... I'm just checking in to make sure the 'package' I left here is safe..." he said cautiously, looking around to make sure no one else was there. Tails scratched his head. "Package? ...Oh, you mean that cooler of blood samples we hid in the tunnels!" he realized. Shadow glared at him. "You haven't told anyone about it, have you?" he asked. Tails shook his head. "Of course not. It's safe and sound where we left it. C'mon, we can have a nice chat on the way down..." he said. Shadow shuddered. "Please don't. Just show me it's safe and I'll leave..." he grumbled. "Don't be that way! It's so rare we get the chance to talk!" Tails said cheerfully. "Yeah, why is that..." Shadow said sarcastically. As they started toward the trapdoor leading to the tunnels, they didn't notice that the portal device leading to Blaze's dimension had come online. Shadow was too busy trying to ignore Tails's attempts at conversation to notice, but when they arrived back from checking on the Ultimate Life samples, they were caught off guard by robotic tentacles, which wrapped tight around Tails before slapping Shadow to the ground! "Hee hee hee! I waited patiently for you to come back! Now you'll be my hostages!" Eggman Nega had emerged from the portal, and his Egg Mobile was fitted with a dozen robotic tendrils! "Pity I can't fit much into your little workshop... I'll just have to tear it to the ground! Eh heh heh heh!!" the doctor laughed, lashing the tendrils around and trashing the immediate area! "No!! Not again! I just got the place the way I like it!" Tails shouted. Shadow got up with a growl. "Chaos Control!" he shouted, warping behind the machine only to be grabbed by one of its rear tentacles! "Heh! You think I didn't study your tricks while I was working with my ancestor and his younger self last year?" Nega chuckled. Tails was able to extend his tails through the grip of the tentacle, and used them to grip whatever he could, in this case, a wrench on a nearby table. He flipped it from his tails into his hand and banged it into the tentacle. "This thing's joints look kinda weak... I bet I could..." Wrapping the wrench around it and turning, he pulled right at the weak spot and broke the tentacle off! "Hey! You little pipsqueak! Let's see you work when I hold your limbs behind your back!" Nega growled. Shadow grinned while Nega was distracted. "Chaos Spear!" he shouted, waving a free hand to fire a spear right at Nega's controls! "Yaaaargh!! Oh, shoot!" Nega shouted, his machine dropping Shadow as it swerved out of control! Shadow and Tails moved in front of it, and with a swift pair of kicks, the two of them knocked Nega back through the portal! "I'll be baaaaack!!" Nega shouted. Tails hurried to deactivate the portal, while Shadow caught himself chuckling. "Err... You did... fine." he said, turning to leave. "Nice visit, Shadow. Don't be a stranger!" Tails said. Shadow smiled lightly as he stepped out the door. "We'll see..." he said.
While Guard and Mia were busy at Aquatic Ruin, Spy was monitoring the situation at the base camp they'd recently set up at Hill Top Zone. Conan was with him for protection, and they were also monitoring the other members of the strike force, who had gone out to Mystic Cave to try and sneak by the Battle Bird Armada's security measures and get them one step closer to their warship on the other side of the island. "Report in, Agent Rouge! What's your 20?" Spy said into a walkie talkie. "We're in this charming dank cave. You should come down here sometime." Rouge replied. Conan was going through a backpack containing the limited belongings the Strike Force members had been allowed to bring along, and removed a small picture frame. He held it tenderly, looking at the picture. Spy glanced at him curiously. "Who's that you're staring at so creepily?" he asked. "Lovingly, you dolt. Your generation thinks romance is just creepy in general..." he grunted. The picture depicted a brown furred squirrel girl in a pink dress. "Her name was... is Emily. She is my light... Everything I do is for her..." he whispered, and began to relate his story...
"We met on an expedition. I was a fledgling archaeologist, she was the daughter of the squirrel who financed my expeditions. Her dream was my dream, to find fame and fortune among the relics of the past, and we shared countless adventures together... And we fell madly in love. So much so, that I had the nerve to ask Emily to marry me! Can you imagine? And she said yes, incredibly! Unfortunately, I was young, and had yet to learn the true cruelties of this world. A terrible, incurable illness struck my bride to be... Her father was so devastated, he stopped us from completing our vows, and had her placed in a cryogenic sleep until a cure could be found. But I was soon to realize that this cure was decades away... by the time my love awoke, I would be an old raccoon! But if I woke her beforehand, she would be claimed by the illness, and I would have to live that old age without her anyway. I nearly gave up... but then I saw Emily's diary. She had been researching the Chaos Relics before we were to be wed. These objects had incredible powers, or so the legends went... I tracked down the sword, and it was confirmed to me. They indeed possessed great power! Each had a different gift. Perhaps one could heal my beloved... recover her health! However... Emily's father didn't share my enthusiasm. He feared that which he didn't understand. We argued... and my blade may have... pierced his a fit of outrage... With him gone, and his daughter an invalid, his money was tied up in the legal system... and the plug was pulled on Emily. I lost everything... Unless the Chaos Relics can perform a greater miracle than I was hoping for! My research indicates that he who wields all the Relics will hold the power of a god! So, I must claim them all... to save my sweet Emily...and hold her in my arms once more..."
Spy had nodded off during his story, so Conan placed the frame back into the bag and scoffed. "And I'll get those claws back from that foolish feline, too..." he grunted. Spy jolted back to life as Rouge's voice came over the walkie talkie. "Yeah, Spy? Cave's a no-go! Bean kinda... blew it up..." she grumbled. "Hee hee hee! That cave-in was wicked!!" the duck could be heard laughing in the background. Spy groaned. "If Gunner were here, he'd have had all of you shot by now..." he sighed.
As the sun was setting on this particularly eventful day, Punchy the echidna was scurrying back and forth hastily, seeming quite nervous and fidgety about something. Rainbow the echidna watched him rushing to and fro with curiosity. "What's up with One? ...Is he having bathroom problems?" she whispered to Copter as he walked by. "What? No! Well, I don't know. Hey, Rainbow, do you think I'm afraid to get close to people?" he asked, still thinking about what Cancer told him. "That's silly, Two. C'mon, I'm gonna ask One what's up!" she said, stomping after him. "Uh, no, you can't do that!" Copter stammered, blocking her way. "Huh? Why not? Oooh, it's a boy bathroom problem, isn't it?" she asked. "Ew, no!" Copter shouted, "Just let him rehear-I mean... Errr... Yes. He's rehearsing a play, and you don't wanna spoil the ending now, do ya?" he said. Rainbow scratched her head. "All by himself?" she asked. "It's his new one-man show. Opens next week. He needs to rehearse a lot!" he said. "Oooh, sounds like something I need to help him out with!" Rainbow said insistently. Gemini stepped into the room and groaned. "Copter, what's going on?" she asked. "Rainbow's trying to get in to listen to Punchy 'rehearsing' his 'play.'" Copter said. Gemini rolled her eyes. "Rainbow, um... why don't you let me see if Punchy needs any assistance? If I get him mad I can just erase his memory." she said. Rainbow shrugged. "Okay..." she sighed. Gemini grabbed Copter's arm as she went. "Wait, can you do that??" Copter whispered. "You'll never know for sure..." Gemini smirked. Rainbow waited alone for a few moments, looking a bit worried. "It's not like One to be so secretive like this... Oh no! What if this is it... The call of fame and fortune will lead him to leave me all alone!" she shivered nervously. Just then, Gemini returned to the room. "Hey. Could you come to the first floor balcony? I need your help with something..." she said, rushing off ahead quickly. Rainbow shuddered. "No word on One. This is it... I'm gonna be all alone again..." she sniffled.
Her worry turned to light confusion as she arrived at the balcony. Gemini wasn't there. Instead, Punchy was waiting, standing at the railing. He turned, his face pink with blush as Rainbow approached. "Ah, R-rainbow! Come here! I need to talk to you..." he said nervously. Rainbow walked to the balcony and looked out at the sunset. "This really is the end... He brought me here to say goodbye..." she thought, shivering. "Are you cold? Um... we could go inside?" he muttered. "That's alright..." Rainbow muttered. Punchy nodded. "Well, um... Rainbow? When I met you... I was a lost soul, chasing the one and only memory in my head. Now, thanks to you... I have a ton of my own memories, separate from 'ol Red. You keep my darkness in check, and you lead the way through my adventures..." he started. Rainbow looked at him curiously, her concerns starting to fade a little. "What are you trying to say, One?" she asked. "Um... There's a certain... Errr... Webster's dictionary defines... No... Ugh! All that rehearsing was useless... I'll have to wing it!" he said, lowering himself down on one knee in front of Rainbow and taking her hand. "You're a part of me, Colors. A part I can't very well live without. You're my light..." he smiled, placing a gold ring into her hand, "And I know this is just a regular ring like the hundreds sitting around everywhere, but I don't got a job like Copter... Still... Rainbow..." he said, gazing into her eyes. "O-one??" she replied, tearing up and blushing heavily as she listened to his words. "Would you... y'know... marry me?" he asked as tenderly as he could manage. Rainbow helped him to his feet, smiling as she looked into his eyes, her own eyes wet with tears. "I thought you wanted to leave me..." she chuckled, "...Oh, One!!" she cried, leaping into his arms and kissing him happily! At that moment, Copter and Gemini led a group of their friends onto the balcony to let out a cheer for that apparent "Yes!" Illusi was there, along with Knuckles, Violet, Sonic and Amy! "Rouge sends her regrets that she can't make it. GUN mission." Illusi said after the cheering subsided. Punchy looked around in bewilderment. "Guys... She didn't answer!" he stammered. Rainbow giggled. "That was a yes, One, ya silly!" she said, hugging him tightly. "I think you can call him Punchy now." Violet smirked. Punchy shrugged. "One's kinda growing on me... She can keep it up 'till she wants to stop." he smiled. Amy nudged Sonic as everyone moved in to congratulate the newly engaged couple. "We're next, riiiight?" she asked. Sonic blushed and stammered nervously. "Uhhh, gotta go! I gotta check a lead on my missing uncle!" he said, speeding off down the side of the building! "Good luck with that, Amy, but I think Copter and I are next!" Violet smirked, to which Copter also got nervous. "Uuuuhhh... Let's see who catches the bouquet at the wedding, alright?" he stammered. Knuckles watched Punchy and Rainbow being romantic and sighed. "My clone is getting married...and I'm married to the Master Emerald..." he muttered, looking a bit melancholy, "...I bet I look pretty green myself now..." he sighed. Punchy and Rainbow shook hands with everyone, then waved them off. "'Kay, I think we wanna be alone, you jokers. You're all invited to the wedding, we'll set a date once Rainbow recovers from the shock!" Punchy grinned. "That might take a while... My One and only!" Rainbow giggled, kissing Punchy playfully. "Alright, let's clear out! This love-fest is gettin' gross!" Copter joked, leading the way as the group left Punchy and Rainbow to watch the romantic sunset together...
To be continued...