For She’s a Good Fat Pony
[At the Ice Cream Shop…]
“What’s this meeting about, Starlight?” asked Sweetheart.
“Shh,” whispered Bright Eyes. We can’t let Melody find out.
“Why not?” asked Sweetheart.
“It’s her birthday whispered Starlight. We need to figure out gifts and a party for her. It’s going to be a surprise party for her birthday.
“Sounds truly lovely,” said Sweetheart.
“We must keep the party from being talked about in front of Melody,” whispered Bon Bon.
“What can we truly get her?” asked Sweetheart.
“That’s what this meeting has been partially about, Sweetheart,” whispered Bright Eyes.
“Wait a minute, what about that weight manager thing we got a few weeks ago?” asked Bon Bon.
“Yeah, we could give that to her,” whispered Bright Eyes. Besides, we can’t order one from feedBay since we don’t have accounts and Melody is the only one that really knows how to browse the site for good deals.
“Shh, here she comes,” whispered Bon Bon.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” asked Melody.
“Nothing much,” said Bright Eyes. How about you?
“About the same,” said Melody. Well, see ya. *she walks away*
“Whew, that was close,” whispered Clover. She almost found out.
“We’ve gotta get to school,” whispered Bright Eyes. Remember, no talk of the party. [At school…]
“Hello, class,” said Hackney. Today I’ll be talking about weather. I know we all experience it every day but it’s good to know when the weather might turn bad or good. First thing is there are clouds and some are friendly and look like they are today. Others aren’t so friendly and produce rain, which isn’t that bad unless it’s too much rain. The darker the cloud, the less friendly it is. If you see clouds rising up into the sky, it’s a sign that bad weather may be coming like a thunderstorm.
“Like on that day we had the tornado?” asked Bright Eyes.
“Right, Bright Eyes,” said Hackney. That day the clouds were very unfriendly. *the clock chimes 3PM* That’s all for today, class, see you tomorrow. *the group leaves* [Back at the ice cream shop…]
“Anyone else have any gift ideas?” asked Bright Eyes.
“Free sundaes today only?” asked Patch.
“Hmm I could do that but it seems too ordinary,” whispered Starlight. She’s had sundaes here before.
“What about clothing, dahling?” asked Rainbow Dash coming over with her friends.
“Shh,” said everyone else.
“We don’t want Melody to find out since this is a surprise birthday party for her,” said Bon Bon.
“We could get her clothing that’ll adjust to her body,” whispered Rainbow Dash.
“Clothes N Things has plenty of that,” whispered Bright Eyes. I think I saw stuff with Melody’s favorite band the Cleveland Bays on it. I’ll go off and see. *she races off* [Later that day…]
“Found some,” whispered Bright Eyes panting. It was the last stuff they had. Melody is going to love it. We need to wrap this stuff and get a cake.
“Say no more,” whispered Bon Bon. *she races off and gets a cake, then comes back*
“That was fast,” whispered Bright Eyes.
“I had them make a cake yesterday so I just picked it up,” whispered Bon Bon.
“She’s coming,” whispered Clover. Quick, everyone hide the stuff. *Everyone hides as Melody enters*
“What’s going on?” asked Melody. Where is everyone?
“SURPRISE!” yelled everyone coming out from their hiding places. Happy birthday, Melody!
“What a surprise,” said Melody excitedly.
“We have your gifts,” said Bright Eyes. *Melody opens the gifts*
“A weight manager, clothing with the Cleveland Bays on it and a cake?” said Melody excitedly.
“The clothing adjusts to your body,” said Bon Bon.
“So it’ll fit me more snuggly,” said Melody. I like that. Thank you, everyone for making this my best birthday ever.