Pride Bracelets! : The real reason I've been busy the last week. Wanted to make sure I had a bunch of these for all the con goers at TFF this year. (^__^) I will have a finite amount of these available so come see me early in the den. <3
Side note, these are waterproof, washable and very durable. So they are a great option for some wrist-bling to an event that you might get a little dirty and want to share your pride. *wink*
Please note that all of our bead-art pieces are originals, unless otherwise stated in our galleries. These patterns are not meant to be copied, distributed or used for personal gain with out the knowledge of the original creators. Please be respectful to the creators of these and all other art online. PLEASE DO NOT COPY PATTERNS FROM SUBMISSIONS LABELED "ORIGINAL PATTERN". THOSE ARE CREATED BY TORADOSHI OR KIYO PI AND ARE NOT MEANT FOR DISTRIBUTION, RECREATION OR PERSONAL USE. THANK YOU. Fuzzy Service Advisory.