Odd enough about anthro versions of animals, but one of an impossible hybrid ? Legend has it that a randy hare had a 1-night stand with a deer, and say hey presto, the first Jackalope !
Legend also attributes to them the ability to copy hunters' voices once they heard them and call out misleading directions to confuse & mess them up .
Be as it is, jackalopes result from a virus, Skope's virus, that causes antler like growths on rabbits.
I recall a strip about a Junior Jackalope, and in one panel, he was smashed on whiskey and complaining that he had "no validity as an individual". He stumbled around with those words, gibberishing them, & slinging whiskey about,and his partner said "Hey ! You're wasting good liquor !". Liquor is NOT good if it gets you mishmashing your words.
Odd enough about anthro versions of animals, but one of an impossible hybrid ? Legend has it that a