Right! So! This piece has a bit of a story to tell.
First up, the base artwork (NSFW) has been drawn by LaPatte, and converted to Master System-suitable pixel artwork by me. Well, kinda.
See, obviously, the background is different. While an attempt was made with a version based on Pattes original background, it blew the VRAM limit and was a pain to plan regarding mid-screen palette-swapping.
So! Cue MarkeyJester, of all people, walking in to help! He supplied this amazing otherworldly background shown here! Check his Fur Affinity out, he really is a great artist.
So! There we go! We have this picture drawn up for a 32 year old computer, with a whopping three different artists involved, and it probably won't even get any views because I de-pornified it!
Whoo. :D
And, yes, the Archeops was seriously adapted to the pixel artwork in SAI. Other elements composited (ie. the background supplied by Markey) and further improvements performed in Paint.NET.