To all good characters, there's always another side to the story. There's always the lurking shadow, the darkness to the light. Vee-Jay Hedgehog's Chaotic Good side also has a Neutral Evil to her coin.
This is that side, the Anti!Vee-Jay if we were to play by Archie Sonic Comic's rules.
This version of Vee-Jay emulates Zorran, the evil, cold-hearted bastard leader of the Zero Fleet. She's far more dangerous than her Star Fleet form. There are no compunctions to her harming others, she'll do it swiftly and without a lick of hesitation. However, she will not go out of her way to do so unless it benefits her or her team. She'll abide by the rules only for as long as it's convenient for her...after that, all bets are off and it'll turn into a real shitstorm if someone gets in the way. She's not afraid to throw punches when convenience allows, so a fight between this version and the Star Fleet!Prime happens more often than not.
Whereas the Star Fleet!VJ would go to the ends of the world for her teammates, the Zero Fleet!VJ only gets involved if there's something in it for her personally, a reward or a chance to get even with the Star Fleet in her world. Like Zorran, the Zero Fleet's tug leader, this version emulates him down to the letter, including having his weaknesses and strengths; whilst she can take a licking and keep on kicking, she's also prone to being fastidious and blatantly stupid when it comes to thinking of the consequences of her actions. Oftentimes, she doesn't see the end result coming until it smacks her in the face (or back, or knees, or head...), making her look terribly bad on some occasions. End result of having her comeuppance delivered on a silver platter usually leads to intense brooding and a harborage of revenge for the humiliation she's given.
Both versions have come to blows a few times in the past, nothing inherently serious along the lines of the Chaotic Good VJ wanting to put this Neutral Evil version in a box...but it will happen eventually I'm sure. They both have their chosen leader's traits and weaknesses, so it's only a matter of who crosses whose juresdiction first really.
I have to leave those scars and their meaning up to the viewer; won't say if they're self-inflicted, or the Star Fleet!VJ did those or what. That's open to interpretation I figure. For all we know, it's probably a ploy for attention knowing her...
I LOOOVE this outfit. It's so nom, and I love the way you've drawn the shell necklace, it's perfect! *noms around your pretty face* MWAH!
...I am trying to spot where you see a necklace, oh hyperactive one O_o All I can see is her Zed Fleet bandana and collar...ah, you may have mistaken her jacket zipper for a pendant, now I getcha XD
Thank ya kindly ;D ~<3
~~~ Quote by Cloud: I LOOOVE this outfit. It's so nom, and I love the way you've drawn the shel