Artwork by Uniamoon, gift from Welof based on his Furson Hill universe.
Since Welof has been taken down from his position as teenager, Loupy has considered himself the big brother. So, after here I am proving again and again I'm the bigger pup and should be ruling all and everything ! Thicker diapers should have been enough proof, but Welof didn't seem to agree, so here is my second argument !
On others notes, my parents were away this week-end, so I spend some hours in diapers with my new plushie : Everest is german and really soft and loveable. She doesn't have the Everest voice-box (they didn't had it at the Düsseldorf store) and she doesn't have her clothes and backpack yet (and a diaper) but I should get them in a few months when I get the money and chance to do so. I also build the Lego set I brought back from germany alongside the plushie, and here it is : The U-wing has two modes, flying mode (wings spread, faster, less shield) and Lag dragon mode (closed wings that give it his U name, better shielding, let people get in and out of it) and is sold with 5 minifigurines (the two main characters of Rogue 1, 1 tertiary character and 2 random guys) and looks really nice. I love the details, the fact the launchers are hidden in the structure of the toy, the extra sliding weapons for the transported guys... sadly it has little actual transportations (5 figurines + pilot) and the back door lead to a wall. He is the first of my (maybe) future fleet of wings, I want all the -wings (A,B, X,Y and V).