(1) The customer is dressed out of some fantasy novel set in Nowhere (2) The barman is 20th century, real world.
I have toyed with name-making games - Knoteven the mouse, hailing from the land of Knowhere. A few came in dreams,most by inspiration. The character, however, is just an outline blank.
(1) The customer is dressed out of some fantasy novel set in Nowhere (2) The barman is 20th century
Sounds like a gooood plan to me ;3 I live in Germany and I like a tasty cold Beer I drunk a lot of brew from a lot of countries but I have to say the German is still the best, so be sure to taste some of our brew :3
Sounds like a gooood plan to me ;3 I live in Germany and I like a tasty cold Beer I drunk a lot of b