Oh my GOSH I never upload here, and that's bad. My lack of Internet makes me have to tether my phone's Internet to my computer, and uploading pictures and such absolutely sucks up the data plan on my phone. Thankfully I will be installing high-speed Internet at my house within the week!
I started this (and finished most of it) a few weeks ago, totally forgot about, and just rediscovered at and finished it. Bunny Cashoo's new look! I love rabbits but I just had to give her a big fluffy tail, because those are awesome. Also, I know that rabbits don't have paw pads but I love those too!
mmmm pink and blue I love dem so~ <3
13 years, 6 months ago
04 Aug 2011 23:01 CEST
Initial: b82e3bc7ec8c8a33c7e5d8a0d0a74c53
Full Size: c3468479037b2c5eea173ff75a7e4a83
Large: f8a19fb75a8e3def4038547a94e3ce21
Small: 3b34fcac667ca9fb7fb37ef81348565a
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