August 2, 2010
After spending two nights at Chette's house, I decided to take her along with me. Her abilities could be of use to me, after all; her ability to keep people away means that I won't have to waste energy being invisible anymore. Plus, she can keep up with me, as I was quickly discovering while running through the lush French countryside. She, in my opinion, could become a valuable ally in my quest to make the world a better place.
While staying at her house, a breaking news report came on her television. It appeared that another transformed human had been discovered. This one happened to be a white tiger. While I couldn't understand the French reporter, Chette told me that this particular tiger was wreaking havoc in London. Just as she translated that, the tiger punched straight through the side of a building with his mighty striped paw. Glass shattered, the building came down on top of the cameras, and the TV went blank.
I looked at Chette, and as I was about to open my mouth, she said, "I know what you're thinking. No way is he gonna get away with that. Come on!" She then grabbed me and unnecessarily dragged me out of her house.
After I regained my composure, I decided that we were going to attack immediately upon seeing the tiger- it would take less than a day to reach London. As I am writing this, we are just outside the border of the United Kingdom. We are gathering our strength for the impending battle. Hopefully we can reach London before the whole city is destroyed.