Biggest Winner
[At school…]
“Class, settle down,” said Hackney. Today is a special day for all of us. It’s the day we pick our Class Ponydent. *the class begins chatting* Each of you will come up to the front of the class and give a small speech of what you will do as Class Ponydent. As they give their speech, the rest of you will vote on the little sheet of paper I’ve placed on each of your desks. There are four choices on this list. You are to listen to everyone’s speech and make a vote When everyone has gone, I’ll tally or count the number of votes. If any of the voted have ties, I’ll flip a coin and Heads will be a winner. Hopefully at most there will only be one tie but we won’t know until the votes are counted. So without further ado, let’s get this voting started. Who would like to go first? *several raise their hoofs* How about you, Melody? *Melody walks to the front*
“As your Class Ponydent, I will make sure there are bigger doorways for us to fit through and stronger materials to hold our current weights. *the class claps and she sits down*
“Who would like to go next?” asked Hackney. *Patch raises her hoof and walks to the front*
“I, Patch, as your Ponydent, I will devote my time to making sure there is some amount of fun in our school each day. *the class claps and she sits down*
“Looks like a pretty tough choice so far,” said Hackney. Why don’t you go up next, Bright Eyes?
“Yes Ms Hackney,” said Bright Eyes. *she goes up to the front* As your Class Ponydent, I hereby pledge to start tutoring those who are not understanding what is being taught, as well as continuing to save our environment. Thank you. *the class claps and she sits down*
“I’ll go next, Ms Hackney,” said Bon Bon.
“Why thank you, Bon Bon,” said Hackney. Go right ahead. *Bon Bon walks up to the front*
“If you choose me as your Class Ponydent, I, Bon Bon, will help out with any cooking that needs to be done when I have time and will also help those in need outside this place,” said Bon Bon. *the class claps and she sits down* *The clock chimes 3PM* Class dismissed, everyone. Put your votes in this box and I’ll have the results for you all tomorrow. *the class leaves*
“Wonder who won,” said Bright Eyes.
“I know it won’t be me,” said Clover.
“You weren’t even on the list, Clover,” said Bon Bon.
“I’m not very good at speeches, especially up front anyway,” said Clover.
“It’ll be a tough decision,” said Melody.
“I wonder just how close the votes will truly be,” said Sweetheart. I think everyone gave really great speeches but it’s too bad only one of them can truly win.
“I agree, Sweetheart,” said Bright Eyes. It would be nice if everyone could win so no one is left out.
“We’ll just have to wait until tomorrow,” said Melody.
“It’s going to be hard to sleep tonight,” said Bright Eyes.
“I’ll say,” said Clover. I’m glad I’m not one of the possibilities or otherwise I’d have nightmares of me messing up my speech.
“Well I wish all of the entrants luck,” said Bright Eyes. See you guys tomorrow.
“See ya,” said everyone else. *they head home and sleep*[At school the next day…]
“Alright, class, I have looked at all the votes and I have announced the winner,” said Hackney. Congratulations to Melody for becoming our Class Ponydent! *the class claps and cheers*
“I won!?” questioned Melody.
“Way to go, Melody,” said Bon Bon.
“We’re really truly proud of you,” said Sweetheart.
“I couldn’t have done it without you all,” said Melody.
“What else can I say, Melody?” asked Hackney. You won a close race with Bright Eyes. It was 2 to 1 to 1 and you had 2.
“So Patch had the last vote?” asked Melody.
“That’s right, Melody,” said Hackney. Of course, I thank all of you that could’ve made this special event possible so you’re all winners. *the class cheers* I never doubted any of my students that they couldn’t perform in an event like this and they certainly made me proud. I wouldn’t want to trade this class away for anything.