So, for those that don't know yet, the big guy that is snuggling Yami there is the clone of his wife Sanjiel: his husband Sanjiro, or as he calls him Jiro. And Yami here has gotten him into QUITE THE PREDICAMENT! Ya see, if no one remembers, there is a clone of Sanjiel that lives with Yami and co named Moo-chan and she tends to overproduce milk a lot, so Yami milks her a lot to get fresh milk for him and the family each and every day. This time, however, when Yami sampled some of Moo-chan's milk, Jiro was in the nearby vicinity and things happened to get a bit strange. You see, even though it is milk, Moo-chan is still the clone of Sanjiel, who is a succubus and a grim reaper, so her milk has demonic magic in it. For the normal Yami, each time that milk digests, it always goes straight to his balls and is one of the secondary causes why his cock and balls tend to grow regularly AS well as what multiplies the amount of cum he produces on an daily basis. However, when Jiro is around, WELL.....the milk makes the young shota grow breasts and it also fills out his body, making him more bottom heavy and curvier just like his wife and her many clones.
Yami: And now, HE WON'T STOP TEASING MY NIPPLES! They're tender!
Jiro: They must be treated gently, kitten. We've gotta get that milk out of you, otherwise, you may be like this for a long time~ *holds a milk suction cup in his hand*
Yami: HELP ME.... T_T
Also included is a art piece done by my little bro