This character was so much fun! He's cute and fierce, rawr! -- A character sheet of a character owned by mechanicalcat named Mechwarrior, commissioned by jimmu Background Sauce:
I hate that you're getting this notice, but someone should inform him that there is a game series (video and RPG) called MechWarrior that's been around since the 80's and is still actively being worked on. A shame, too, because this is a fantastic visual design of the character.
I hate that you're getting this notice, but someone should inform him that there is a game series (v
oh well im repling comment from 2 years ago but i see it today , so story about my nick is simple: in 1998 or 1999 my cousing showed me game called MechWarrior in this time internet in Poland was very very limited , most to internetcafe , MechWarrior franchise sucked me in i started getting interested in BattleTechs and novels from it, when i get internet connection in Online Games Fps mmo and other i started using nick MechWarrior like Pilots of this huge mechs in MW franchise , it stucked to me up to this day and im pretty sure i will use it to end of my days , for furry related content i changed nick to MechanicalCat what is also inspired by MW
oh well im repling comment from 2 years ago but i see it today , so story about my nick is simple: i