Hmmm... I wonder why this fellow won the Blue Max? If this is prior to WWI, then he could've won it during the Franco-German War. Looking at his uniform blouse it looks as if he's a member of an Uhlan unit. Forest green with yellow piping... the 20th Wurttemberg perhaps? I wonder what he's done with his uniform shirt? (Ah, my history degree raises it's overtly exacting head.)
Hmmm... I wonder why this fellow won the Blue Max? If this is prior to WWI, then he could've won it
Maybe he was awarded the Pour le Mérite for inventing Jägermeister? *^.^* I know, the original recipe was officially introduced in 1934, but, who knows..? I like the idea.
Maybe he was awarded the Pour le Mérite for inventing Jägermeister? *^.^* I know, the original recip